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microHAM STATION MASTER DeLuxe Manual page 60


Switching delay
Specifies how much time is
required till antenna switching
is done and can be safely
used. Safe value for all
microHAM switches is 26ms.
Break before make delay
Allows to adjust this delay
parameter if RF box requires
such kind of control.
Switching table
Defines relationship between
InVectors and Outputs. For
each InVector the Outputs
state can be specified
The Rules tab specifies frequency
range of the antenna's R port along
with five another settings. Frequency
ranges and Include to selection boxes
were already explained in the chapter
on Vertical Arrays.
In case of antenna switch is rarely
necessary to set a frequency range for
R port. Default, wide band range is
fine for almost all setups. However, if
it is necessary to limit frequency for
any reason, it can be set here.
Include to selection checkbox has the same meaning as for antennas or two port devices. When checked, the
R port will be added as a separate antenna selection for direct access from the SMD main antenna selection
buttons. Since a simple N way switch will most likely have antennas or additional switches connected to its A
port(s), the default value is that R port of an N way switch is not included in the available antenna selections.
Fit mask serves to limit the available A ports. By default the fit mask is set as xxxxxx (the same length as the
InVector) meaning that all InVectors are allowed. If there is a requirement to limit number of available InVectors
(selections), the fit mask can specify which InVectors are to be excluded. For example, fit mask = xxx000 means
that only first three A ports of six way switch will be used for rest of configuration.
Single A port only serves to set additional limitations of which antenna selections will be offered for direct
access from the SMD antenna selection buttons. However, for a simple N way switch there is no reason to use
"Single A Port only" since an N way switch does not provide a "splitting" feature. This option will be explained
under Stacking Switcher – where it is applicable.
Distinguishing point and Global attributes are advanced parameters and will be explained separately.
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