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The PTT tab allows configuring PTT operation.
microKEYER has five PTT inputs:
PTT generated by the logging program on the virtual COM port RTS or DTR
PTT generated by a second application on the virtual COM port RTS or DTR
PTT and 2
PTT behave the same and generate the same Serial PTT input.
A foot switch attached to the microKEYER rear panel RCA jack.
The PTT switch of the microphone connected to the RJ45 MIC jack.
This input is connected in parallel with the foot switch input.
WinKey generated PTT: The WinKey PTT output (pin 5) is connected by a jumper (SO1R/SO2R) to
PTT1 or pin 6 of the REMOTE jack.
microKEYER has three PTT outputs: PTT1, PTT2, and PAPTT. PTT1 and PTT2 are brought out to the
DB37 Radio connector. PAPTT is an RCA jack for connecting to external devices.
PTT1 is wired to the radio microphone jack
and is generally used for VOICE
PTT2 is wired to the radio Accessory jack and
is used to switch the radio into transmit
in DIGITAL and FSK modes.
Note: PTT2 or "rear panel" PTT is used
by some radios to automatically mute
the microphone and disable
microphone processing circuits (audio
equalizers, transmit DSP, clipping, etc.)
that can distort digital modulation.
PA PTT is available on the microKEYER rear
panel RCA jack and is designed for
switching a power amplifier. PA PTT is
enabled by checking the PA PTT box.
PA PTT will delay the transceiver PTT
by the PTT Delay value.
Note: PTT delay should be a few
milliseconds longer than the relay
activation time of the amplifier.
LNA PTT is an optional timing sequence designed for bypassing a low noise preamplifier (LNA) or disabling
receive antennas during transmit. The option is enabled by checking the LNA PTT box. LNA PTT
will cause the PA PTT output to remain closed by the PTT Delay value after the transceiver PTT is
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