InMail states your Find-Me Follow-Me status:
On or Off
O (6)
D (3)
Go back to the Main Menu.
Plays Help message.
Features and Specifications Manual
Setting Up Message Notification
Turn Find-Me Follow-Me on or off.
Change your Find-Me Follow-Me destinations.
Back up to the previous level without changing your entry.
Enter the destination number to change.
Back up to the previous level without changing your entry.
The system will provide the status of the destination selected.
E (3)
Enable selected destination.
D (3)
Disable selected destination.
C (2)
Change selected destination.
Back up to the previous level without changing your entry.
Enter the hour you want Find-Me Follow-Me to begin for the selected desti-
• Enter 2 digits for the hour.
• Press
or [Next] to skip to the next setting.
A (2)
Select AM.
P (7)
Select PM.
Back up to the previous level without changing your entry.
Enter the Find-Me Follow-Me Day of Week (Sunday-Saturday): Enable or
Disable (V2.0 Added)
E (3)
Enable selected day.
D (3)
Disable selected day.
Back up to the previous level without changing your entry.
Enter the destination phone or extension number, up to 16 digits.
Accept entered number.
Clear entered number.
Skip to next setting.
Back up to the previous level without changing your entry.
Go back to the Mailbox Options menu.
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