Not e
Time differences through internal c alculations
Small time differences (of the order of two to three Safety cycles (here up to 7 ms)) are
caused by internal calculations and do not present a problem.
SDI positive/negative without encoder and s top response "STOP B"
N o .
N o te:
The acceptance test must be individually performed for each configured control and for both directions of rotation.
Control can be realized without selection via TM54F, onboard terminals (CU310-2) or via PROFIsafe.
Initial state
Drive in the "Ready" state (p0010 = 0)
Safety Integrated Extended Functions enabled (p9601.2 = 1)
Safety functions enabled (p9501.0 = 1)
Safety configured without encoder (p9506 = 1 or p9506 = 3)
For "Motion monitoring without selection (Page 205)":
- "Safety without selection" configured (p9601 = 24 hex or 25 hex)
- "Safety without selection" activated (p9512.12 = 1 or p9512.13 = 1)
SDI enabled (p9501.17 = 1)
No safety function selected.
No Safety faults and alarms (r0945[0...7], r2122[0...7], r9747[0...7]) at the drive and
TM54F (if used); see note "Non-critical alarms" at the beginning of Section "Ac-
ceptance test."
It may be necessary to take measures in the higher-level controller to be able to exceed the SDI tolerance.
Note that regarding SDI, the internal limits (r9733[0], r9733[1] and r9733[2]) are removed by selecting "Start
acceptance test".
Please note:
With active safety function (e.g. SLS or SSM with activated hysteresis) and for "SSM active" feedback signal
with a pulse inhibit (p9509.0 = 1), the drive enable must be issued within 5 seconds after STO deselection using
a positive edge at OFF1, otherwise STO becomes active again.
Configure and activate trace recording
Trigger: Trigger on variable - bit pattern (r9722.7 = 0)
Record the following values: r9713[0], r9720, r9721, r9722
Select the time interval and pretrigger so you can recognize when the active SDI
tolerance has been exceeded and the subsequent drive responses
For better analysis, display the following bit values:
r9720.12 (deselection SDI positive) or r9720.13 (deselection SDI negative)
r9722.0 (STO active)
Safety Integrated
Function Manual, (FHS), 07/2016, 6SL3097-4AR00-0BP6
D e scri p ti o n
A.3 Acceptance tests (recommendations)
Sta tu s