A.3 Acceptance tests (recommendations)
N o .
It may be necessary to take measures in the higher-level controller to be able to exceed the active speed limit
Note that the internal limits (r9733[0], r9733[1] and r9733[2]) are removed by selecting "Start acceptance test".
Configure and activate trace recording
Trigger: Trigger on variable - bit pattern (r9722.7 = 0)
Record the following values: r9714[0], r9721, r9722
Select the time interval and pretrigger so that the exceeding of the active SLS limit
and the subsequent drive responses can be recognized
For better analysis, display the following bit values:
r9721.15 (STOP E active)
r9722.3 (SOS active)
r9722.4 (SLS active) and r9722.9/.10 (active SLS level)
r9722.7 (internal event; set when the first safety message occurs)
Select SLS with level x
Note: SLS is already active for motion monitoring without selection.
Switch on the drive and specify the setpoint above the SLS limit
Check whether the drive is moving, and after the SLS limit (9531[x]) has been ex-
ceeded and the SOS standstill tolerance window has been exited, that it is braked
along the OFF3 ramp before STOP A becomes active as a consequence
Check whether the following safety messages are pending:
C01714 (x00), C30714 (x00); x = 1...4 depending on the SLS level (safely limited
speed exceeded)
C01710, C30710 (STOP E initiated)
C01707, C30707 (tolerance for safe operating stop exceeded)
C01701, C30701 (STOP B initiated)
C01700, C30700 (STOP A initiated)
Analyze trace:
If r9714[0] exceeds the active SLS limit, a safety message (r9722.7 = 0) becomes
STOP E is initiated as a consequence.
As a consequence of STOP E (selection SOS) the above-described responses will be
triggered if the drive is not stopped by the higher-level controller on activation of
Save/print the trace and add it to the acceptance report (refer to the example below)
Acknowledge safety messages and, if required, deselect SLS
No safety faults and alarms (r0945[0...7], r2122[0...7], r9747[0...7]) at the drive and
TM54F (if one is being used)
Acknowledge switch-on inhibit and run the drive
Check whether the drive is moving
D e scri p ti o n
Function Manual, (FHS), 07/2016, 6SL3097-4AR00-0BP6
Sta tu s
Safety Integrated