Fundamental Principles and System Description
Engineering Information
IEEE 519
IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems
This standard is used in the USA, Canada and many countries in Asia. It specifies limits for harmonic voltages and
currents for both individual loads and also for the sum of all loads at the PCC (Point of Common Coupling).
Permissible harmonic voltages and permissible total harmonic distortion THD(V):
The permissible harmonic voltage levels, which may be produced by each individual load at the PCC, are governed
by the type of application or the ratio between the supply short-circuit current and the maximum current consumption
of the individual load (averaged over 15 or 30 min) in accordance with the following table:
Ratio of short-circuit
current/ max. current
Permissible voltage levels at the PCC for each individual load
The following limits apply to the sum of all loads connected to the PCC:
Voltage at the PCC
≤ 69 kV
Permissible voltage levels at the PCC for the sum of all loads
Permissible harmonic currents and permissible total harmonic distortion THD(I):
In addition to the mandatory voltage harmonics limits, the harmonic currents also have to be limited to permissible
values. The limits depend on the ratio between the supply short-circuit current and the maximum current consumption
at the PCC (averaged over 15 or 30 min) in accordance with the following table:
Ratio of short-circuit
current/ max. current
< 20
20 < 50
50 < 100
100 < 1000
> 1000
Permissible harmonic currents at the PCC in relation to the maximum current drawn at the PCC
The limits of IEEE519 are in some cases significantly lower than the limits of EN 61000-2-4, especially for the
harmonics with low harmonic numbers. The following is a rough guide to the supplementary conditions under which
the limits in accordance with IEEE 519 can be maintained under typical supply system conditions (RSC > 10 or
< 10 %):
k Line
SINAMICS Engineering Manual – November 2015
Ó Siemens AG
Permissible values for each
individual harmonic voltage
2.5 – 3 %
2.0 – 2.5 %
1.0 – 1.5 %
0.5 – 1 %
0.05 – 0.1 %
Permissible value for each individual
harmonic voltage
3 %
h < 11
11 ≤ h < 17
17 ≤ h < 23
4 %
2.0 %
7 %
3.5 %
10 %
4.5 %
12 %
5.5 %
15 %
7.0 %
Typical users
Special customers with special agreements
1 – 2 large loads
A few high-output loads
5 – 20 medium-output loads
A large number of low-output loads
Permissible value for the total harmonic
23 ≤ h < 35
1.5 %
0.6 %
2.5 %
1.0 %
4.0 %
1.5 %
5.0 %
2.0 %
6.0 %
2.5 %
distortion THD(V)
5 %
Total Harmonic
35 ≤ h
0.3 %
5 %
0.5 %
8 %
0.7 %
12 %
1.0 %
15 %
1.4 %
20 %
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