Circuit Protections
Temperature sensors, wind sensors
The projector provides 3 temperature sensor ICs, sensors on the Main board and 1 sensor on the RC front board,
and 1 wind sensor on the intake duct. The sensor ICs monitor surrounding temperature of the lamp house and pan-
els/prism, and room temperature, and the wind sensor monitors airflow passed through the air filter in the intake
- Internal temperature sensor B (IC1816) (around the lamp house)
- Internal temperature sensor C (IC1814) (around the panels/prism)
- Room temperature sensor A (IC169) (around the front cabinet)
- Wind sensor D (S901) (intake duct)
the projector is shut down and the WArNING teMP. in-
dicator is blinking red.
When the temperature inside the projector reaches a certain
level, the projector will be automatically shut down to protect
the inside of the projector. The POWER indicator is blinking
while the projector is being cooled down. When the projector
has cooled down enough (to its normal operating tempera-
ture), it can be turned on again by pressing the ON/STAND-
BY button.
• The WARNING TEMP. indicator continues to blink even after
the temperature inside the projector returns to normal. When
the projector is turned on again, the WARNING TEMP. indi-
cator stops blinking.
Led indicators
blinking red