an Answer
Only Announcement
Hake sure the AnnounceOnlyis set to ON. Forbest resultswhen recording,
you shouldbe about nine inchesfrom the microphone,and eliminate as much
background noiseas possible.
1. Pressthe ans. menu button repeatedly until the system announces
"Announcement Two"The messageindicator displaysA2.
2. Pressthe I_skip or 14repeat button.Thesystem announces"Now Recording".
Beginspeaking after the beeF
NOTE:Maximum recording time is 60 seconds, announcement
be at least 3 seconds in length.
3. Pressthe Ilstop
button when finished.Your recordingwill be played
automatically. If you'renot satisfied,recordyour announcementagain.
A1/A2 Announcements
1. Pressthe ans. menu button repeatedly until the system announces
"Announcement One"or "AnnouncementTwo"
2. Pressthe _ play button to review the latest recordedannouncement).
3. Whileannouncement is playing,pressthe delete button to delete the current
announcement.Theanswering systemwill usethe default announcement.
NOTE:The default announcement cannot be deleted.
Remote Access Code
Youcan accessthe answeringsystemfrom a tone-dial telephone in another (remote)
location.Thecode is requiredfor remote access,and it preventsunauthorizedaccess
to your answeringsystem.Thecode can be any/4-digit number,from 0000 to 9999.
1. Pressthe ans. menu button repeatedly until the system announces"Remote
accesscode is..."and the messageindicator displaysAc.
2. Pressthe I_skip or 14repeat button to set the first digit between 0-9. Press the
ans. menu button to confirm.
3. RepeatStep2 until all 4 digits have been set. Thesystemannouncesthe new
code.(Thedefault code is 0000.)
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