Specifications for FTP
Computer name
User name
Additional parameters under Details
Additional specifications when using the "Execution from external storage (EES)" function
Enable drive
Global part program mem‐
Use this drive for EES pro‐
gram execution
Additional parameters under Details
Windows user name
Windows password
Global part program mem‐
Operating Manual, 07/2021, 6FC5398-6AP40-6BA4
Machine manufacturer
Please refer to the machine manufacturer's specifications.
Only for "Drive Windows
(PCU)" type
Only for local drives, net‐
work drives and global
USB drives
Only for USB drives
Only for USB drives, local
drives and local directo‐
Only for local drives, net‐
work drives and global
USB drives
Managing programs
13.12 Set up drives
Logical name of the FTP server or the IP ad‐
Start directory on the FTP server.
The path is specified relative to the home di‐
User names and the associated password for
login to the FTP server.
The password is displayed in encoded form as
string of "*" characters and is stored in the
"logdrive.ini" file.
Interface for the FTP connection. The default
port is 21.
After a disconnect timeout, the FTP connec‐
tion is disconnected. The timeout can be be‐
tween 1 and 150 s. 10 s is the default setting.
The drive is enabled in the network. A user
name is required.
The checkbox must be activated if the local
drive serves as global part program memory.
The checkbox indicates that all system nodes
have access to the configured logical drive. The
nodes can directly execute part programs from
the drive.
The setting can only be changed under Details.
Allows a local USB storage medium to be used
to execute programs using EES.
User name and the associated password for re‐
lease of the configured drive.
The specifications from the "Global Settings"
window are used as default setting.
The checkbox defines whether all system no‐
des have access to the configured logical drive.
Only one drive can be selected as global part
program memory (GDIR). If another drive has
already been defined as GDIR and the checkbox
is activated, the original setting is deleted.
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