PLIM or SIP Installation and Removal
The router can indicate a hardware failure if you do not follow proper procedures. Remove or install only
one SIP or PLIM at a time. Wait at least 15 seconds before removing or installing another SIP or PLIM.
PLIM or SIP Installation and Removal
This section contains the following procedures:
Refer to
Removing a PLIM or SIP
To remove a PLIM or SIP from the line card chassis, see
Attach an ESD-preventive wrist strap and follow its instructions for use.
Step 1
Identify the card to be replaced and unplug the interface cables connected to the card. Be sure to note
Step 2
the current connections of the cables to the ports on the SPAs installed in the SIP.
Because invisible radiation may be emitted from the aperture of the port when no fiber cable is
connected, avoid exposure to radiation and do not stare into open apertures. Statement 125
You can also keep the dust caps or covers on the laser optical bores to avoid radiation exposure.
Remove the SPAs from the SIP and set them aside.
Step 3
Loosen the two captive screws holding the PLIM or SIP in place.
Step 4
Do not use the cable management bar to pull out the PLIM or SIP from the slot.
Grasp the two card ejector levers and simultaneously pivot both ejector levers 90 degrees away from the
Step 5
front edge of the card carrier to unseat the PLIM or SIP from the backplane.
Touching only the metal card carrier, slide the PLIM or SIP from the slot and place it directly into an
Step 6
antistatic sack or other ESD-preventive container.
Insert another SIP, PLIM, or a PLIM impedance carrier into the empty card slot.
Step 7
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router PLIM, SIP, and SPA Hardware Installation Guide
Removing a PLIM or SIP, page 5-4
Installing a PLIM or SIP, page 5-5
Chapter 6, "Installing and Removing a SPA,"
Chapter 5
Installing and Removing a PLIM or a SIP
for information on removing and installing SPAs.
Figure 5-4
and follow these steps: