Contents Foreword 1 General Information Ordering Codes and Accessories Requirements 2 Getting Started Parts List BP209-VIS(/M), BP209IR1(/M) and BP209-IR2(/M) Parts List M2MS with BP209 Series 3 Operating Elements BP209 Series 3.1.1 Rotation Mount Mounting BP209 Series 4 Installation Software Installation...
Page 4 Averaging Mode Clip Level Hold Maximum Autoscale to Peak Correct Beam Width Reference Position Unit 6.5.5 Plot Over Time Parameter 6.5.6 Translation Stage Control Child Windows 6.6.1 2D Reconstruction 6.6.2 3D Profile 6.6.3 X and Y Profiles 6.6.4 Zooming and Panning Diagrams...
Page 5 Mounting the Beam Profiler Connecting M2MS to the PC 7.2.7 M² Measurement Beam Alignment M² Measurement Panel M² Settings Saving the M² Measurement Results Running the M² Measurement M² Measurement Results M²...
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Drawing BP209 Mounting Adapter 11.10 Drawing M2MS-BP209 11.11 Compatibility with Older Hardware 11.12 List of Acronyms 11.13 Safety 11.14 Certifications and Compliances 11.15 Return of Devices 11.16 Manufacturer Address 11.17 Warranty 11.18 Exclusion of Liability and Copyright 11.19 Thorlabs Worldwide Contacts...
1 General Information 1 General Information The BP209 Series Thorlabs Dual Scanning Slit Beam Profilers are ideal for analyzing cross sectional profiles of near-Gaussian laser beams and can be operated in scanning-slit or knife- edge modes. The beam diameter is measured in accordance with the ISO 11146 standard and can be displayed using a number of industry-standard clip levels or an arbitrary clip level set by the user.
1.2 Requirements These are the requirements for the PC intended to be used for operation of the BP209 Series of slit beam profilers using the Thorlabs Beam Software V8.0 or higher. Please find the BEAM Software for download from the Beam Software website.
BP209 Series Beam Profiler, the package will contain the following items: 1. M2MS-BP209VIS-AL(/M) · M2MS-BP209VIS-AL (/M) Measurement System with mounted BP209-VIS (/M) Slit Beam Profiler · Power supply 100 to 240 V AC / 15 V 3 A DC ·...
BP209 Series 3 Operating Elements 3 Operating Elements 3.1 BP209 Series The components of the BP209-VIS are labeled in the image below. Aside from the mounting thread on the Mounting Plate , BP209-VIS and BP209-VIS/M are identical. BP209IR1(/M) and BP209-IR2(/M) outer dimensions and components are identical to BP209-VIS(/M).
All metric models have a M4 and a M6 thread and the imperial models have an 8-32 and a 1/4-20 thread. Metric Version Imperial Version Please mount the BP209 Series Beam Profiler on the optical bench using a Thorlabs post, post holder and a base or clamping fork.
· Windows Security will ask your confirmation to install the Thorlabs USB driver. · You may check the box "Always trust software from "Thorlabs GmbH".This will shorten the in- stallation. However, if you do not want to do that, please click the "Install" button. You will then be asked to confirm the installation of further Thorlabs software components.
4 Installation 4.3 Start the Application Click the "Programs" g "Thorlabs" g "Thorlabs Beam Application" entry, or simply click the ap- propriate icon added to your desktop. The connected instrument is recognized, automatically connected and shown in the Beam Set-...
6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) In this manual, the Beam Software is described based on a setup using a BP209-VIS/M on the M2MS measurement extension for M measurements, connected to a PC running with OS ®...
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6.1.2 Control Menu Use the first menu entry to start and pause the continuous operation of the Beam Profiler device including retrieving measure- ment data, performing calculations and displaying graphs and nu- merical results to the output windows.
To do so a few things need to be considered. When starting the software, the application loads valid *.lut files from the folder: ...\My Documents\Thorlabs\Thorlabs Beam\LUT A valid *.lut file must fulfill the following criteria: ·...
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) · Values must be tab-separated · The first three columns have 256 entries · The last six columns have only 129 · Each value represents a 8 bit intensity (0- 255) of R(ed), G(reen) and B(lue), respectively. The first three columns represent the linear scale of a user-made color scale, the next three columns represent the scale for lower intensities (logarithmic scale) and the last three columns the scale for higher intensities (quad scale).
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6.1.4 Windows Menu When the GUI is started the first time, the Default Workspace is opened. To close and open the windows, toggle the corresponding entry in the windows menu or via the Tool Bar An open child window can also be closed by clicking the S in the up- per right corner of the child window.
Check for Update searches for available software updates. About Thorlabs displays device information and software versions details: If you have trouble with the software, please submit the version of the application to Thorlabs. This can help to resolve your problem.
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6.2 Tool Bar For the most important menu entries there are also symbols provided in the tool bar. Clicking on a toolbar symbol will have the same effect as clicking on the original menu entry. When moving the mouse over the icons, a tool tip will be displayed.
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6.5 Beam Settings The Beam Settings panel is a very convenient visualization of all important information and settings that can be made to the instrument and to the calculation parameters. For a better visi- bility, the Beam Settings topics are arranged in expandable group boxes that allow to show or hide topics.
· executes a power correction Initial Settings When this Beam Profiler is connected for the first time, the following default values are set: Parameter Default Value 635 nm (BP209-VIS(/M)) Wavelength 500 nm (BP209IR1(/M) 900 nm (BP209-IR2(/M)) Power Correction Wavelength Enter the operating wavelength in nm as a precondition for proper measurement of the Total Power.
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Power Correction The Power Correction allows the user to set the total beam power measured by the Beam Pro- filer to the power level measured by a reference power meter. Preconditions: Be sure to have set the operating wavelength accurately.
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6.5.3 Slit Beam Profiler Parameter This section contains a number of important Beam Profiler parameters that are accessible by the user. Please become familiar with the meaning of these controls in order to prevent im- proper adjustments which may lead to erroneous measurement results.
Biasing a photo diode decreases its rise time. Set Bias to On for measurement of small beam diameters and M² measurement. Note Biasing is possible only for BP209-VIS and BP209IR1 models. Aperture Width The maximum aperture diameter is 9 mm. The resolution can be improved if using only 10% of...
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) When "User Rectangle" is selected, please enter size and position of the Calculation Area numeri- cally or drag and drop the borders of the user rect- angle. All values are in µm, and the point of origin is situated in the upper left corner of the entire sensor area.
µm. Total Power units: mW or dBm. Temperature: °C, °F or K. (Temperature is measured by an external Thorlabs TSP01 Envir- onmental Sensor, connected via USB (not included).) The following table gives an overview on all available units: Unit Description µm...
"Translation Stage Control" and "M set" appear as the last two topics of the Beam Settings panel. The description in this section assumes a Thorlabs DDS100 Linear Translation Stage, as it is used in the M2MS Extension Set This panel allows the user to manually control the translation stage.
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Note The total displacement reaches from 0 to 200 mm, although the stage translation path is only 100 mm. This results from the mechanical design of the M2MS M² Meter Set. Increment: Enter the increment for moving the stage stepwise. Velocity: This is the speed of the stage when traveling between two positions (e.g., between the actual and the target position).
"Windows". Additional child windows are accessible through the menu bar The appearance of the Thorlabs Beam Software can be arranged according to your require- ments and taste. All child windows can be re-sized and flexibly positioned. Here is an example of arranging some child windows: Rev: 8.1, 14-Feb-2022...
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) To close a child window deselect the menu entry or the appropriate toolbar symbol or click the close button "X". Each child window can be moved and resized. If a child window is closed, size and position are stored and recovered when it is reopened.
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6.6.2 3D Profile The 3D Profile illustrates the power density distribution of the measured optical beam. Whereas the beam's cross-section is parallel with the X-Y-plane, the relative power intensity is shown in the Z direction (Pseudo 3D).
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) The selected clip level (default 13.5%) is displayed if the "Auto Scale to Peak" function is en- abled (button The horizontal scale is displayed in µm. Toolbar Associated Action Icon Opens a dialog box to specify the properties of the saved screenshots / dia- grams.
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Note · Even if the Gaussian and / or Bessel Fit calculations are disabled from display in the Cal- culation results panel, the appropriate fitted curves are still shown in the X and Y Profile win- dows, if enabled there.
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Sequential Saving This feature is used to save sequentially sets of the selected calculation results , e.g for a long term analysis. · Select the destination folder (see the preview pane). · Define the file name. ·...
The Beam Profiler is mounted so that it can slide along the beam propagation trace. This can be done using, for example, a Thorlabs M2 translation stage or a Thorlabs...
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 3. Move the Beam Profiler, measure the distance again, enter the new distance into the box "Position 2" and press the 2nd icon. 4. The beam width at Position 2 is calculated and based on the entered distance change, the vergence angle in X and Y axes is displayed.
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) On the scales, the observed minimum and maximum values are shown as blue triangles. They can be reset using the buttons marked above. Page 52 21424-D02...
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Overlay "Lighten" In "Lighten" mode, within the overlapping region only the "pixel" with higher intensity will be dis- played; the intensities of the snapshot and the current beam are not added. Overlay "Difference" Finally, in the "Difference"...
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) 6.6.9 Plots Thorlabs Beam Software offers several additional plot windows to show the beam behavior: Plot Positions Plot Power Plot Diameters Plot Gaussian Fit Plot Environment Data Beam Stability All plot windows are accessible via the "Windows" menu, while Plot Positions, Plot Power and Beam Stability also have buttons in the toolbar.
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Plot Positions Toolbar: , Menu bar: Windows -> Plot Positions The positions of X and Y peak and of X and Y centroid positions can be displayed vs. time. Toolbar Icon Associated Action Save Diagram or Image: Opens a dialog box to specify the properties of the saved diagram or image.
The total power measured by the Beam Profiler vs. time can be displayed. Note The power indication of Thorlabs Beam Profiler instruments is not calibrated vs. wavelength, it is based on a typical responsivity curve of the used photo diode and the manually entered...
BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Plot Diameters Menu bar: Windows -> Plot Beam Diameters The Plot Diameters window displays the beam diameter over time as the user adjusts settings. This allows to easily monitor the behavior of the beam diameter. Plot Gaussian Fit Menu bar: Windows ->...
In this window the position of the X and Y centroids can be logged together with the reading of an externally connected Thorlabs TSP01 temperature sensor vs. time. The temperature axis is located to the left (yellow curve), the centroid position axis (blue and green curves) is shown to the right.
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BP209 Series 6 The Graphics User Interface (GUI) Most of the beam stability characteristics are given in numeric units: Data Count: The actual count of displayed measurement results. Elapsed Time: Time since last start of stability measurement Max. Distance to Reference Position of the centroid positions is given in distance (X), dis- tance (Y) and as radial distance (R).
For accurate measurement results (power values, M² results) the correct wavelength must be entered. Thorlabs Beam Profiler instruments are not calibrated for power with respect to the wavelength. The power calculation is based on a typical responsivity curve of the used sensor...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions The recognized Beam Profiler will be connected automatically, and the continuous image ac- quisition starts. If more than one device was recognized during the initial application start, the first recognized device will be connected and started. Please see section Start the Application for details on how to select a different device.
Note A password can be entered only once and cannot be changed! In case of troubles, please con- tact Thorlabs for a solution. Load / Save Test Parameter Configuration. The Load and Save buttons in the Calculation Results toolbar allow you to load and save the configuration of the pass/fail test.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Intensity Value Text Matrix This is a CSV (comma separated values) file format. The comment "Not for import" is related only to importing into the Beam Software: A data file cannot be imported in order to reconstruct a beam profile.
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Save Test Protocol To save a Test Protocol in pdf format select "File à Save Test Protocol". A dialog box opens: Here, additional information can be entered in order to save it together with the test report. The results of the measurement are saved to a compact test protocol.
7.1.4 Pulsed Laser Sources BP209 Series Beam Profilers can also be used to measure the profile of pulsed laser beams, although the better choice for such applications is the Thorlabs BC207 Series Camera Beam Profiler. Pulsed laser sources with high repetition rate and short pulse duration can be measured in the same way as a CW laser.
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions 7.1.5 Knife Edge Mode With the 5 µm slits, a beam diameter down to 20 µm can be measured in the standard slit scanning mode. For beam diameters below 20 µm, the BP209 models offer the so called Knife Edge Mode in combination with the 25 µm slit pair.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions and the use of the 25 µm slits (see screen shots above). Then switch in the device settings dia- log to Knife Edge mode: Two new child windows come up (they may overlay each other initially), showing the recon- structed knife edge profiles for the X and Y axis (green curve) along with the measurement data obtained in normal slit scanning method data (dimmed yellow curve): The numeric result window shows the beam parameters:...
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Beam Profiler does not provide a correct information about the beam quality. Although a single Beam Profiler result is not a measure of beam quality, the Thorlabs Beam Profiler Series can be used to accurately measure the beam quality. For this purpose, a beam propagation measurement is carried out according to the ISO11146 standard.
For more information about pulsed laser sources read chapter Pulsed Laser Sources 7.2.2 M2MS Operating Principle The Thorlabs M2MS M² Meter System is a compact instrument that includes all components re- quired to measure beam quality: Beam Profiler (not shown below) Linear Translation Stage Thorlabs DDS100...
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions 7.2.3 Beam Diameter Requirements The Beam Quality measurement is based on the determination of the waist diameter of a fo- cused beam and the convergence (divergence) of the beam before (after) the beam waist. Ideal Gaussian beams have the best focusability, which results in the minimum possible beam diameter and M²=1.
7 Operation Instructions 7.2.4 M² Meter Extension Set The M² Meter Extension Set is an automated stage, compatible with all Thorlabs beam profilers of the BP209 and BC207 Series as well as the former BC106N Series, to scan through the light beam in the Z-axis for the beam profiler to acquire an M2 value.
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions 7.2.5 M² Meter Set with BP209 Slit Beam Profiler The M2MS-BP209 set features: · Accurate M² Measurements · Measures Divergence, Waist Diameter, Rayleigh Range and Astigmatism · Compatible with CW and Quasi-CW Pulsed Laser Sources ·...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Installing the Transportation Lock 1. Switch off the power supply. 2. Remove the 4 screws fixing the top cover using a 0.05" hex key (supplied with the M2MS) and remove the cover. 3. Move the stop latch as indicated in the picture below and place the platform of the stage against the left stop.
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Connecting M2MS to the PC The M2MS comprises integrated control electronics with translation stage controller, a USB 2.0 hub and a current source for the alignment laser. Switch to enable Alignment Laser k Output connector for Alignment Laser USB 2.0 hub output ports (to Beam Profiler) USB 2.0 input (from PC) Yellow indicator "Stage active"...
7. Start the Beam Software. It should automatically connect to the Beam Profiler and to the translation stage. This can be seen in the Beam Settings Panel: 8. Upon starting the Thorlabs Beam Software, the translation stage will be initialized and homed automatically. This means that it is recognized in the tab Stage Selection and moves to the 200 mm position in case it is not there yet.
In order to direct the beam under test into the M2MS, a combination of two adjustable mirrors is required, Thorlabs offers a variety of such items. The beam alignment is executed in 3 steps, guided by a software wizard:...
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7 Operation Instructions Coarse Alignment For a coarse alignment, Thorlabs provides an alignment laser that is included with the access- ory box. For this step, the alignment laser is mounted on the M2MS in place of the Beam Pro- filer as described below.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Page 90 21424-D02...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Note Make sure the rotation mount is oriented upright so that the Y axis of the BP209 Series is loc- ated vertically. Press the Start Wizard button . You will be requested to select whether you want to adjust for M²...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions · Align the beam position using the controls of your laser source. Subsequently click the cap- ture button of Position 1 and 2, observe the alignment, and improve it until all four alignment criteria are fulfilled (bulbs must be at least yellow): Well aligned beam position ·...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions · After finishing the Beam Alignment, the wizard guides you to the alignment of the focusing lens. As a first step, capture the beam position without lens, then click "Next": · Verify that the holder of the focal lens is centered (markers on the CXY1 translator and the lens holder should match), place the the mounted focal lens back to the magnetic holder.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions 2. M² Diagram The measured data are plotted in the diagram. The 4 buttons above the diagram allow the dis- play to be configured: · The buttons Beam Diameter X' (Y') enable / disable the display of the measured data at the individual positions ·...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions The Normal Scan pursues an ISO compliant measurements. The ISO standard requires that "... at least 10 measurements shall be taken. Approximately half of the measurements shall be distributed within one Rayleigh Length on either side of the beam waist, and ap- proximately half of them shall be distributed beyond two Rayleigh Lengths from the beam waist."...
7 Operation Instructions Saving the M² Measurement Results Besides the standard function "Save M² Test Results " the Thorlabs Beam Software offers an automatic saving of beam profile data when an M² measurement is executed. Saving M² Test Results The beam quality measurement results can be saved in two different ways: 1.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions 2. Save Test Protocol Save measurement data as *.pdf file. The Save Test Protocol dialog opens, fill in the desired fields and click Save. The M² Measurement Results will appear in the PDF documents. Page 102 21424-D02...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Section Export Options Here the data to be exported can be selected by checking the appropriate box. Beam Profile Calculation Results can be saved as .csv, *.txt, or *.xls files. A single file is saved; for each stage position the data are appended to the existing file. The export file con- tains the header (information about Beam Software version, time stamp of measurement start, and information about the used beam profiler) and all calculation results (see section Calcula-...
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions M² Measurement Results After a successful M measurement, the Beam Quality Measurement window shown below appears. The green bulb indicates that the measurement was successful and fulfills the ISO 11146 standards: In the case that beam criteria different from the ISO standard beam width criteria were used (see M²...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Astigmatism is known as the effect that the beam waist in X and Y scan direction is not at the same z position. So there is a difference between the positions of minimal spot diameters z and z Relative Astigmatism is calculated from the Astigmatism values divided by the mean of the Rayleigh Length in X and Y.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Reference Measurement After a M² measurement is completed, the results can be saved and afterwards used as a refer- ence. To do this just click the button, the active results become the reference. Further, the reference data are added to the diagram in a different color.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions q Error message "The M2 Measurement has been aborted: Insufficient beam diameter variation over the selec- ted scan range." The software could not locate sufficient measurement points within the doubled Rayleigh Length. · Extend the Measurement Range ·...
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Live Adjustment Open the Live Adjustment panel and click "start" to move the M2 stage to the lense focus plane as calculated from the inserted parameters. Now, the laser system can be adjusted and, for ex- ample, collimation can be optimized until the beam width in the focus plane is minimized.
In most cases the light source is a device with open beam output. In order to direct the beam under test into the M2MS, a combination of two adjustable mirrors is required, Thorlabs offers a variety of such items. The beam alignment is executed in 2 steps, guided by a software wizard:...
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7 Operation Instructions Coarse Alignment For a coarse alignment, Thorlabs provides an alignment laser that is included with the access- ory box. For this step, the alignment laser is mounted on the M2MS in place of the Beam Pro- filer as described below.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Explanation of indicators and icons Start the Alignment Wizard Start the Focusing Lens Alignment Wizard Z [mm] This box shows the actual stage position; after initialization = 200 mm. Position 1 (2) [mm] The left and right positions for the stage movement can be entered nu- merically.
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Centroid captured at Position 2 · Click to the Position 1 capture button (0 mm). The stage moves to Position 1 and captures the second centroid position: Centroid captured at Position 1 · Now, the beam displacement and the pointing angle are displayed numerically. Page 120 21424-D02...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Alignment Move Loop · To terminate the loop, click the button. · After finishing, click Next to continue. Page 122 21424-D02...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions After the measurement is finished, below the diagram the Divergence results for the X and Y axes are displayed. The indicator to the left shows if the measurement was successful. The red marked button between the toolbar and the diagram expands the diagram over the entire Divergence window.
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Saving the Divergence Measurement Results Besides the standard function "Save Divergence Measurement Results" the Thorlabs Beam Software offers an automatic saving of beam profile data when a Divergence measurement is executed. For details, please see section Saving the M²...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions Reference Measurement The actual measurement results can be saved and used as reference afterwards, same as for M² Measurement Results Page 128 21424-D02...
BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions 7.2.9 M² Theory The diameter d(z) of a focused laser beam increases with distance z from its waist position and can be calculated as follows: with Waist Diameter Rayleigh Length Wavelength In this equation it was assumed that the waist location is at zero. Otherwise z has to be replaced with (z-z The Rayleigh Length z determines the distance from the beam waist to the position where the...
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BP209 Series 7 Operation Instructions The appropriate power density at z is reduced by a factor (M²)². Also the Rayleigh Length increases by a factor of M². Page 132 21424-D02...
® · for Windows 8.1 (64 bit) and Windows 10 (64 bit): Install "Thorlabs Beam VXIpnp In- strument Driver (64 bit)" In other words, the 32 bit VXIpnp driver works with both 32 and 64 bit operating systems, while the 64 bit driver requires a 64 bit operating system.
BP209 Series 8 Write Your Own Application 8.2 64 bit Operating System Note According to the VPP6 (Rev6.1) Standard the installation of the 64 bit VXIpnp driver includes the WINNT, WIN64, GWINNT and GWIN64 frameworks. That means, that the 64 bit driver in- cludes the 32 bit driver as well.
Do not remove covers! 9.1 Version and Other Information The menu entry Help à About Thorlabs displays relevant Beam Software data. In case of a support request, please submit the software version of the application. This will help to locate the error.
After reaching the set value, this warning disappears. If it remains, the Beam Profiler seems to be damaged and need factory repair - please contact Thorlabs for return instruction.
BP209 Series 10 Application Note is the dial distance of peak position's pixel from the reference position (= sensor center). Centroid Position X, Y and R position (first moment), calculated over all pixels with respect to the above reference position. X= SUM [x * p(x,y)] / I Y= SUM [y * p(x,y)] / I where:...
BP209 Series 10 Application Note 10.6 Bessel Fit On of the most important properties of a Bessel beam is that it is non-diffractive. This means, apart from Gaussian beams, their shape does not change during propagation, and they do not have a focus in terms of a location with highest intensity along the propagation direction.
-40 °C to 70 °C Warm-up time for rated accuracy 15 min ) BP209-VIS(/M); BP209IR1(/M): Beam diameter error <10% at Ø9 mm BP209-IR2(/M): Beam diameter error <20% at Ø9 mm for beam divergence <5° ) 300 kHz using M² Option ) using M²...
BP209 Series 11 Appendix 11.4 Typical Photodiode Response Curves The following diagrams show typical response curves photodiodes used in BP209 Series mod- els. Typical Responsivity - UV-enhanced Si Photodiodes Page 148 21424-D02...
The diagram below shows the allowed input power range at the wavelength of maximum responsivity (BP209-VIS ~ 980 nm; BP209IR1 ~ 1550nm; BP209-IR2 ~ 2200nm): Note Please note that these operating power ranges apply to measurements made using the slits in scanning-slit or knife-edge mode;...
When the BP209 Series is used first time with the BEAM software, the following initial settings are applied: Parameter Default value Scan Rate 10.0 1/s Scan Rate Correction enabled 635 nm (BP209-VIS) Wavelength 900 nm (BP209IR1, BP209-IR2) Photodiode Bias Aperture Width full width (9 mm) Active Slit Pair 5 µm...
Particularly for diverging beams the operator needs to know the positions and distances of these elements. BP209-VIS BP209IR1 and BP209-IR2 use an aspheric collimating lens between the slit and the photodi- ode:...
Electrical connections and mechanical setup should be carried out as described in the appropri- ate documentation to this hardware, while operation is described in the manual on hand. Older documentation can be downloaded from the Thorlabs Manual Archive at www.thor-
BP209 Series 11 Appendix 11.12 List of Acronyms The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in this manual: 2 Dimensional 3 Dimensional ADC Analog to Digital Converter Aluminum Anti Reflection Beam Profiler Camera Calculation Area Continuous Wave (constant power source) Graphical User Interface Neutral Density Personal Computer...
Only with written consent from Thorlabs may changes to single components be carried out or components not supplied by Thorlabs be used. Do not stick anything into the aperture in the middle of the Beam Profiler front! You may damage the thin-skinned slits, spoil the bearings of the motor and/or blockade the rotating drum because there is no covering glass in front of it.
11.17 Warranty Thorlabs warrants material and production of the BP209 Series for a period of 24 months start- ing with the date of shipment in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Thorlabs’ General Terms and Conditions of Sale which can be found at: General Terms and Conditions:
EC, and are not dissembled or contaminated. Contact Thorlabs for more informa- tion. Waste treatment is your own responsibility. “End of life” units must be returned to Thorlabs or handed to a company specializing in waste recovery. Do not dispose of the unit in a litter bin or at a public waste disposal site.
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BP209 Series 11 Appendix Mounting plate slit scanning beam profiler Software Installation Start the Application Status Bar NI-VISA synchronization Numeric Results Technical Data Operating the Instrument TEM00 Ordering Codes Test Protocol Orientation Time-Out Times-diffraction-limit factor Pass/Fail Test Total Power Peak Position Transformed System Performance Optimization Troubleshooting...
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