D1: Diagnostics tools
Brief description
Diagnostic tools
Integrated and external diagnostic tools are available for operating the SINUMERIK control. Further, the NC
provides support when localizing drive faults by providing the option of simulating the drive interface of machine
Integrated diagnostic tools
The following information is displayed at the operator interface:
Display of alarms and messages from the control system or drives in plain text
Status displays for:
Interface signals from NC, HMI, PLC and I/O modules
Data blocks
PLC flags, timers and counters
Inputs and outputs of the PLC.
Service displays:
Nominal values, actual values and status data for axes/spindles
Display showing version of system software installed
External diagnostic tools
The software to be installed on an external computer is used to commission the NC and to commission the
SINAMICS drives. The diagnostic functions support commissioning and service personnel during commissioning,
troubleshooting, diagnostics and service activities.
The following diagnostic functions are available in the STARTER commissioning software for the SINAMICS S
drive system:
Specifying signals with the ramp-function generator
Signal recording with the trace function
Analyzing the control response with the measuring function
Output of voltage signals for external measuring devices via test sockets
SINAMICS S120 Commissioning Manual
Basic Functions
Function Manual 09/2011, 6FC5397-0BP40-2BA0
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