4 Turn the CO N TRO L k nobs.
Press a KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch and turn
each CO N TRO L kno b as yo u play each Scene to
hear ho w it affects the so und. There are eig ht
different g ro ups o f parameters assig ned to the
kno bs at the facto ry. These let yo u edit the to ne
g enerato r parameters as printed o n the panel
beside each kno b. N o tice ho w easy it is to edit
and drastically chang e the vo ice.
For more information about using the CONTROL knobs, see page 2 6 .
5 Com pa re La yer m odes.
Press the [L AYER] switch to co mpare the difference
o f each o f the six L ayer mo des as yo u play, o ne at
a time.
For more information about Layer modes, see page 2 2 .
6 Cha nge Poly mode setting.
T o hear ho w the keybo ard Po ly setting affects ho w
the vo ice can be played, set the [EDIT RO T ARY]
switch to the VO ICE SCEN E SETUP menu and press
the Po ly [UP/ DO W N ] switch to select PO L Y,
MO N O o r L EG ATO . Then play the keybo ard.
For more information about Poly mode, see page 7 2 .
7 Turn [ARPEGGIO / SEQ ] on a nd off.
If the vo ice uses the Arpeg g iato r (" ARP" appears in
the L CD) o r Sequencer (" SEQ " appears in the L CD),
press the [ARPEG G IO / SEQ ] switch to turn it o ff
and hear ho w the vo ice so unds witho ut the pattern.
Pay attentio n to ho w the arpeg g io o r sequence is
trig g ered— either acro ss the entire leng th o f the
keybo ard, o r o nly to the left o f the Split Po int. In the
case o f the Step Sequencer, so me vo ices are
pro g rammed to let yo u trig g er a different pattern
fro m each key to the left o f the Split Po int.
Set the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the VO ICE
ARPEG G IO / SEQ menu and press KbdMo de
[UP/ DO W N ] o nce to co nfirm the setting which
determines ho w the pattern is trig g ered. N ext, set
the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the VO ICE SCEN E
SETUP menu and press Po ly [UP/ DO W N ] and
co mpare the way the different Po ly mo de setting s
affect the pattern as yo u play the keybo ard.
If the vo ice do es no t use the Arpeg g iato r o r Step
Sequencer, press [ARPEG G IO / SEQ ] to turn o n the
Arpeg g iato r o r Step Sequencer and hear ho w no tes
and cho rds are affected.
For more information about the Arpeggiator, see page 3 3 . For information about
the Step Sequencer, see page 3 7 .
8 Cha nge a rpeggio Tem po, Pa ttern Type,
Subdivision, a nd Hold sta tus.
T o speed up o r slo w do wn the Arpeg g iato r pattern
(o r sequence), set the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the
VO ICE CO MMO N menu and press T empo
[UP/ DO W N ] until yo u achieve the desired rate.
For more information about Tempo, see page 7 7 .
T o try o ut the 3 0 different preset Arpeg g iato r
pattern types, set the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the
VO ICE ARPEG G IO / SEQ menu and press the
T ype/ N o [UP/ DO W N ] switch and step thro ug h
each pattern.
For more information about the Type/ No parameter, see page 3 4 .
T o hear ho w the timing reso lutio n o f a pattern
chang es with the 1 0 different Subdivide setting s, set
the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the VO ICE
ARPEG G IO / SEQ menu and press Arpeg g io
Subdivide [UP/ DO W N ] to step thro ug h each.
For more information about Arpeggio Subdivide, see page 3 4 .
9 Cha nge Effects a nd a djust EQ .
T o hear the different Variatio n and EQ effects and
setting s, set the [EDIT RO T ARY] switch to the VO ICE
CO MMO N menu and press Vari EF/ EQ Param
[UP/ DO W N ] and Data [UP/ DO W N ] switches
acco rding ly. Also press the Vari EF Dry:W et
[UP/ DO W N ] to chang e the balance between " dry"
(no rmal) and " wet" (effected) sig nals.
For more information about Vari EF/ EQ, see page 7 7 .
T o hear the different Delay and Reverb effects and
setting s, press Dly/ Rev EF Param [UP/ DO W N ] and
Data [UP/ DO W N ] switches acco rding ly.
For more information about Dly/ Rev EF mode, see page 7 9 .
T o bypass specific o r all effects and hear ho w the
vo ice so unds in its pristine state, press EF Bypass
[UP/ DO W N ] and chang e the status acco rding ly.
EF Bypass is a system parameter, and therefore will remain as you set it
regardless of which voice is selected. For more information, see page 8 0 .
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