Euler and RPY
RPY angles
Important functions for 3- to 5-axis machining
Use of Euler or RPY angles (A2=<value> B2=<value> C2=<value>)
Instead of direct vector programming, abstract rotation angles can be used for the orientation
description. Normally, Euler angles or RPY angles (roll, pitch, yaw) are used to rotate coordinate
systems around the coordinate axes.
They can also be used accordingly for the definition of a vector. This is based on a vector in the Z
direction of the coordinate system that is rotated using Euler or RPY angles. The resulting vector
is the new tool vector. The NC addresses A2, B2 and C2 are used to program the rotation
angles. The meaning of the angles, i.e. whether they are Euler angles or RPY angles, is specified
via the G codes ORIEULER and ORIRPY. This results in the following definitions:
With C2=90°:
rotated around
Z axis
With B2=45°:
rotated around
With A2=30°:
rotated around
X axis that is rotated
© Siemens AG All rights reserved SINUMERIK, Manual, Mold-Making with 3- to 5-Axis Simultaneous Milling
With Euler angles, rotation is first around the Z
axis, then around the rotated X axis and finally
around the resulting Z axis. There are different
definitions for RPY angles.
The following is used in SINUMERIK: The first
rotation is around the Z axis, the second
around the rotated Y axis and the third around
the rotated X axis.
The values programmed with A2, B2, and C2
during orientation programming are
interpreted as RPY angles (in degrees).
Starting from the basic position
The orientation vector is obtained by first
rotating a vector in the Z direction around the
Z axis with C2
, then rotating it around the
new Y axis with B2,
and finally rotating it
around the new X axis with A2 (Z, Y', X"). In
contrast to Euler angle programming, all three
values here have an effect on the orientation
N030 G54
N040 G0 X0 Y0 Z0
N050 C2=0 B2=0 A2=0 F10000
N060 C2=90 B2=45 A2=30
N070 ...