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ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 Emulator Probe for Infineon AURIX MCU Family User Guide...
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Copyright The data in this document may not be altered or amended without special notification from ETAS GmbH. ETAS GmbH undertakes no further obligation in relation to this document. The software described in it can only be used if the customer is in possession of a general license agreement or single license.
• Safety Information ............8 General Safety Information Please observe the Product Safety Notices ("ETAS Safety Notice") and the follow- ing safety notices to avoid health issues or damage to the device.
- Ensure that the connections of the power supply are easily accessible. - The module does not have an operating voltage switch. • Switch on the product by connecting the power supply cable with the power supply or by switching on the power supply. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
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The product is maintenance-free. Use a lightly moistened, soft, lint-free cloth for cleaning the product. Ensure that no moisture can enter. Never spray cleaning agents directly onto the product. Do not user any sprays, solvents or abrasive cleaners which could damage the product. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Cabling Use exclusively ETAS cables at the connections of the product! Adhere to the maximum permissible cable lengths! Observe the assignment of the cables to the connectors! Detailed information about cabling is located in the ETK User Guides.
The user is obliged to collect the old devices separately and return them to the WEEE take-back system for recycling. The WEEE directive concerns all ETAS devices but not external cables or batteries. For more information on the ETAS GmbH Recycling software, contact the ETAS sales and service locations. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide... CE Declaration of Conformity (European Union) With the CE mark attached to the product or its packaging, ETAS confirms that the product corresponds to the applicable product-specific European Directives. The CE Declaration of Conformity for the product is available upon request.
Reference shall be made to the use of the software in order to fulfill OSS licensing terms. Additional information is available in the document "OSS Attribu- tions List" at the ETAS website ( ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
BR_XETK-S1.0 ECU interface connector 10 pin SAMTEC Power supply connector 6 pin MOLEX Power supply for ED devices (VDDS- Min. 1.25 V BRAM) SBRAM sense Yes, on board or external sense Pinless triggering Timer triggering ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
• Open XCP on Ethernet Protocol • Supports a variety of standard applications - “ETK Drivers and Tools” update to support ETAS software tools (INCA, XCT) - Firmware update (programming of the logic device) through HSP software service packs; removal of XETK or ECU is not necessary...
ECU microcontroller can provide data to the calibration and develop- ment system by buffering the data (DISTAB13 or DISTAB17) and triggering the BR_XETK-S1.0 to read the data via DAP. The BR_XETK-S1.0 then reads, buffers, processes and sends this measured data to the PC. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
This process is Triggered Direct Measurement (TDM) with DISTAB13 or DISTAB17. The 100 Mbit/s XETK Ethernet interface provides communication with the PC. ETK Connector Description CON1 XETK Ethernet interface (ETAS module or PC) CON2 ECU Interface CON3 ECU EDRAM Sense port CON4...
Fig. 3-4). The combination of the BR_XETK-S1.0 and the Automotive Ethernet media con- verter is integrated in the ETAS IP world with automatic IP management and sup- ports the open automotive "Universal Measurement and Calibration" standard "XCP on Ethernet" (TCP/IP, UDP/IP).
ETK-S1.0 is automatically switched on and off when the XETK enters and leaves its standby (sleep) mode. The BR_XETK-S1.0 is supplied with power through the connector CON4. CON4 Fig. 3-5 Location of the BR_XETK-S1.0 Power Supply Connector CON4 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
VDDSBRAMsense voltage if it is provided by the ECU. The micro- controller’s standby power supply pin must be connected to the XETK pin VDDSBRAMsense. The microcontroller’s standby power supply may be pro- vided by the ECU or by the XETK. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
XETK until the microcontroller is powered up and the startup handshake is performed. Serial XETKs use the ETAS two-page concept, consisting of both a Reference and a Working page. The Reference Page is located in the ECU flash and cannot be modified by a simple write access.
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XETK startup handshake has taken place. NOTE The BR_XETK-S1.0 can use the Direct Register Access page switch method only with the TC39x-ED (B-Step) variant of the Aurix microcontrollers. Additional Aurix microcontrollers can be supported on request. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Trigger Semaphore (DTS) for triggering. See also chapter “Pinless Trigger- ing” on page 24. The trigger mode "Timer Triggering" uses four internal timers of the XETK for trig- gering. See also chapter “Timer Triggering” on page 24. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
This values and their resolution have to be defined in the A2L file. Available settings are: - Minimum time interval 100 µs - Maximum period duration 1 s - Timer resolution 1 µs The timers work in an asynchronous manner to the ECU. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
When waking up the ECU via the CalWakeUp pin, it can be configured if the pin is driven high until the microcontroller core voltage (VDDP) is high or if the pin should be driven high until the start-up handshake between ECU and XETK is complete. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
73). The suitable connectors SAMTEC-10 (CON2) and MOLEX-6 (CON4) should have been populated onto the ECU PCB for adapters ETAM3 and ETAM2/ ETAM5/ ETAM9/ ETAM10 (see Fig. 4-2 for additional connector details). ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
27 | Installation ETAM2 or ETAM5 or ETM9 or ETAM10 BR_XETK-S1.0 ETAM3 Fig. 4-1 BR_XETK-S1.0 Connection to the ECU Fig. 4-2 BR_XETK-S1.0 ECU Adapter Overview ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
NOTE The BR_XETK-S1.0 Automotive Ethernet interface is not compatible with the standard Ethernet interfaces of ETAS modules. An Automotive Ethernet Media Converter or an ES88x ECU and Bus Interface Module is required to connect the BR_XETK-S1.0 to the PC (refer to chapter 3.3 on page 18).
Converter ES59x ETABR1 CBEB105 BR_XETK ETABR2 customer specfic cable XCP on Fast Ethernet ES600.2 ES882.1 ES886.x ES891.1 ES892.1 Fig. 4-6 BR_XETK-S1.0 connected with CBEB105.1 Automotive Ethernet Media Converter and Customer specific Cable to ETAS Modules ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
ES830.1 CBEB310.1 CBEB311.1 ES882.1 Lemo 1B DSUB ES886.x (9 m) CBEB312.1 CBEB313.1 Automotive Ethernet Bus ES891.1 ES892 1 Fig. 4-8 BR_XETK-S1.0 connected with ES162.1 Automotive Ethernet Media Converter via Fast Ethernet Interface to ETAS Modules ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Permanent Power Supply inside ECU available 4.3.2 Permanent Power Supply inside ECU not available Cable Gland Serial ETK Interface Connector Cable CBAM295.1 Cable e.g. CBEB120 Cable K70.1 Permanent Supply 12V Power Supply Connector Ignition Key Vehicle Wiring ECU GND Vehicle Connector Battery Fig. 4-12 Permanent Power Supply inside ECU not available ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
33 | Installation 4.3.3 Isolated Power Supply inside ECU The BR_XETK-S1.0 does not require a galvanically isolated power supply. For spe- cial applications ETAS offers the isolated power supply ETP2. Isolated Power Supply Permanent Supply Power Supply Connector ETP2 Input...
If these parameters are entered correctly in the corresponding ECU description file, it guarantees that every time the calibration system is started, the XETK is checked for the appropriate configuration. If necessary, the XETK will be config- ured appropriately to the corresponding project. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
The XCT Tool help window opens. 3. Choose Reference to User Interface > (X)ETK Hardware Configuration Parameters. 4. Choose the topic BR_XETK-S1.0. The topic BR_XETK-S1.0 contains information about the BR_XETK-S1.0 hardware configuration parameters and their possible values. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Deactivate the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option in the "Power Management" register. Confirm your configuration. The manufacturers of network adapter have different names for this function. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Measurement Data Memory Item Characteristicsv Location Typically located within the emulation memory when using DISTAB13 or DISTAB17 hooks. Measurement data memory can be located in internal RAM if the entire ED RAM is needed for calibration. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
DC decoupling NOTE The Automotive Ethernet interface is not compatible with the standard Ethernet interfaces of ETAS modules. An Automotive Ethernet Media Converter or an ES88x ECU Interface Module is needed to connect the BR_XETK-S1.0 to the PC. Environmental Conditions...
12 V vehicle system. Batt 12 V vehicles don’t require special disturbing pulse reductions. NOTE The BR_XETK-S1.0 will accept permanent power supply voltage dips (for addi- tional details of 3 V low voltage operation, see ISO standard 16750). ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Batt transfer FPGA Delay of ECU reset through ETK without transferring the FPGA present, VDDP will be switched on) Batt max. delay of ECU reset through ETK (U and VDDP will be switched on) Batt ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Sense for switched power supply of ECU (ignition) /ESR0 Bidir ECU Reset signal (open drain) for Reset assertion and supervision /PORST Bidir ECU Power On Reset signal (open drain) for Reset assertion and supervision Connector CON2: SAMTEC_FTS-105-01 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
• ETAM10 ECU Adapter........... . . 71 Requirements for failsafe Operation NOTE We recommend to use ETAS cables or any other cables certified by the stan- dards for the application. Adhere to the maximum permissible cable lengths! NOTE Application-specific cables are available from ETAS.
Connector in Fig. 7-2 Signal Color White Automotive Ethernet signal AE- Violet Automotive Ethernet signal AE+ 7.2.3 Order Information Product Length Order Number ETABR1 Automotive Ethernet Interface Cable, 0.3 m F 00K-109-771 MOLEX – open wire (2fc-2c), 0m3 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Automotive Ethernet signal AE+ 7.3.4 Temperature Range Condition Temperature Range Operating temperature -40 °C to +105 °C 7.3.5 Order Information Product Length Order Number ETABR2 Automotive Ethernet Interface Cable, 0.17 m F 00K-111-118 MOLEX – MOLEX (2fc-2fc), 0m2 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
7.4.4 Temperature Range Condition Temperature Range Operating temperature -40 °C to +105 °C 7.4.5 Order Information Product Length Order Number ETABR3 Automotive Ethernet Interface Cable, 0.33 m F 00K-111-964 MOLEX – open wire (2fc-2c), 0m33 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
The minimum bending radius for the cable is 16 mm. 7.5.5 Pin Assignment Fig. 7-11 CBAM290.1 Connectors Connector in Fig. 7-11 Target Color CON1 Black Cable to Media Converter, e.g. CBEB120.1 CON2 White BR_XETK interface connector CON3 ECU housing shield ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Temperature Range Condition Temperature Range Operating temperature -40 °C to +105 °C 7.5.7 Order Information Product Length Order Number CBAM290.1 Automotive Ethernet ECU Adapter 0.60 m F 00K-111-117 Cable, Lemo 1B PHA - MOLEX (2fc-2fc), 0m60 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
The nut must be ordered separately by AGRO (AGRO order num- ber 8000.12). For wall thickness more than 2.5 mm cut a thread into the housing. The minimum bending radius for the cable is 20 mm. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Interface Cable plus Power for CBEB100, Lemo 1B FGA - DSUB plus banana connector (2mc-9fc), 3 CBEB121.1-5 100 Mbit/s Automotive Ethernet F 00K-111-114 Interface Cable plus Power for CBEB100, Lemo 1B FGA - DSUB plus banana connector (2mc-9fc), 5 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
AE 4 When using the CBEB240.1 cable at the AE interface of the module ES882.1 (three Automotive Ethernet channels), three of the four cable sections are used in accor- dance with the assignment in the table. ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
-40 °C to +85 °C/ -40 °F to +185 °F 7.10.6 Order Information Product Length Order Number CBEB240.1-0m4 Automotive Ethernet splitter 0.4m F 00K-111-122 cable 100 Mbit/s, Yamaichi YCP - 4x Lemo PHA 1B (8mc -4x 2fc), 0m4 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
BR_XETKs. NOTE The CBEB242.1 cable is designed for directly connecting BR_XETKs. For other areas of application, ETAS recommends the CBEB240.1 Automotive Ethernet cable (see chapter 7.10 on page 62). 7.11.2 Assignment of the Automotive Ethernet Channels to the Cable Sections The CBEB242.1 cable consists of four identical cable sections [n], each mapped to...
-40 °C to +85 °C/ -40 °F to +185 °F 7.11.6 Order Information Product Length Order Number CBEB242.1-0m4 Automotive Ethernet splitter 0.4m F 00K-111-123 cable 100 Mbit/s, Yamaichi YCP - 4x Lemo PHA B (8mc - 4x 9fc), 0m4 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
CAL_Wakeup Switch to Ubatt. ECU wake-up signal (for mea- surement preparation) SGUBATT2 Car battery SGUBATT1 Car battery 7.12.3 Order Information Product Length Order Number ETAM2 XETK/FETK ECU Adapter, MOLEX - open 0.25 m F 00K-109-306 wires (6fc - 6c), 0m25 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Temperature Range Condition Temperature Range Operating temperature -40 °C to +110 °C 7.13.6 Order Information Product Length Order Number ETAM3 XETK/FETK ECU Adapter, SAMTEC FFSD - 0.11 m F 00K-109-673 SAMTEC SFM (10fc - 10fc), 0m11 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
7.15.3 Temperature Range Condition Temperature Range Operating temperature -40 °C to +110 °C 7.15.4 Order Information Product Length Order Number ETAM9 F/XETK-S ECU Adapter, MOLEX - MOLEX 0.136 m F 00K-111-043 (6fc - 5fc), 0m136 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
Permanent power supply of ECU interface (Supply) Yellow VDDSTBY Permanent power supply of ECU ED RAM (Supply) Brown Ground Power ground Green Cal_Wakeup Switch to Ubatt. ECU wake-up signal (for mea- surement preparation) SGUBATT2 Car battery SGUBATT1 Car battery ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
7.16.4 Temperature Range Condition Temperature Range Operating temperature -40 °C to +110 °C 7.16.5 Order Information Product Length Order Number ETAM10 F/XETK-S ECU Adapter, MOLEX - MOLEX 0.07 m F 00K-111-814 (6fc - 6fc), 0m07 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
- China-RoHS-leaflet_Compact_cn Cable and Adapter NOTE We recommend to use ETAS cables or any other cables certified by the stan- dards for the application. Adhere to the maximum permissible cable lengths! NOTE Application-specific cables are available from ETAS. Please contact your ETAS contact partner or e-mail
ES165.1 Media Converter with Lemo-plug ES165.1 F 00K 112 184 (Gigabit Ethernet and power supply) 8.2.4 Power Supply Order Name Short Name Order Number Isolated Power Supply Interface for XETK ETP2 F 00K 104 010 ETAS BR_XETK-S1.0 | User Guide...
76 | Contact Information Contact Information Technical Support For details of your local sales office as well as your local technical support team and product hotlines, take a look at the ETAS website: ETAS Headquarters ETAS GmbH Borsigstraße 24...
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