


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Toshiba RAD-Y200H

  • Page 1 <家庭用> RAD-Y200H RAD-Y250H RAD-Y300H 濾網安裝方法...
  • Page 2 如需維修請聯絡東芝服務中心 這様可能會造成短路或損壞電源線內部...
  • Page 3 擺放於平穩的地方或傾斜度2° 以下的地方使用 使用220V的交流電插座 會洩漏可燃性氣體,油的場所。抽 濕機附近有易燃氣體,可能 會導致火災和爆炸。 桌上等高處,機體掉落時可能會損 壞。 抽濕機及排水管周圍的溫度不可低 於冰點,排水管內的水可能會結冰 並在融化時弄濕傢俬,導致觸電。 漏電或火災。水箱同時會破裂及漏 水。 使用於藥物及化學品的場所,如翳院 抽濕機吹出的風不可直接對著燃燒 器具,可能會導致不完全燃燒。...
  • Page 4 拔插頭時,不可拉扯電源線,要 使用連續排水時應檢查排水管道, 爪握插頭拔出。處理不當可能會 導致觸電,短路而引起火災。 檢查排水管是否灣曲或接妥到機體 上。 注水的容器例如花瓶,不可放置在 產品的上方。可能會導致觸電,漏 電,火災。 不可取下水箱的浮子 不可堵塞或放置濕衣服到進風口或 出風口。 請不要使用噴霧式殺蟲劑或揮發 性稀釋劑擦拭機體 可能因為破損導致傷害及漏水弄 濕屋內財物,或由於短路導致火 災或觸電。 請不要坐或爬到機器上面,有可能 由於滑落、跌倒導致傷害。 待運轉停止後才拔出插頭,否則插 頭可能會受損,導致觸電。 移動機器時,應先停止運轉,倒掉 水箱中的水,再握緊把手移動。 否則可能會導致機體發生過熱,漏 水現象。長時間在同一場所使用 時,請檢查機體底部有沒有漏水。 漏水會弄濕地板及造成附近物品損 毀。...
  • Page 5 頂蓋 導風葉 過濾網 把手 前面板 三合一 多功能 水箱蓋 過濾網 後面板 排水口 水箱把手 繞線柱 水箱 腳輪 不能正常運作...
  • Page 6 控制面板 SWING POWER FAN SPEED TIMER HUMIDITY 按鍵功能 1. 功能鍵:機體內部乾燥功能,負離子功能; 2. 擺風鍵:擺風功能; 3. 睡眠鍵:睡眠模式; 4. 時間掣:定時設置; 5. 風速鍵:調整送風速度; 6. 電源鍵:開啟/關閉機器; 7. 濕度調節鍵:設定濕度,30%-80%循環; 8. 模式鍵:自動抽濕模式,乾衣模式; 顯示圖案 9.負離子圖案:負離子功能運作指示圖案,長按負離子鍵3秒此圖案顯示; 10. 水滿圖案:水箱滿水時,顯示此圖案; 11. 機內乾燥圖案:機內乾燥功能運作指示圖案,按下正負離子鍵顯示此圖 案; 12. 童鎖圖案:童鎖功能運作指示圖案,長按模式鍵3秒顯示此圖案; 13. 模式圖案:左邊為乾衣模式圖案,選擇乾衣模式時顯示此圖案;右邊為自 動除濕模式圖案,選擇自動除濕模式時顯示此圖案; 14. 風速圖案:上方為高風速圖案,選擇高風速時顯示此圖案;下方為低風速 圖案,選擇低風速時顯示此圖案; 15. 顯示屏: 環境濕度顯示,濕度設置,以及定時狀態顯示定時時間。...
  • Page 7 啟動此模式...
  • Page 8 二 三 衣颗乾燥 正唯使用乾衣模式 ·淉衣物需要等距誰握放 出厘口嗯正面封著衣服追行乾燥,才能乾得更快,衣服之間等距離擺放才會乾得更快。 ·抽淉榄的撰放位置 定晇燮更抽潠榄及衣服位置,衣服曾乾得更快。 ·根據不同衣服種類變換擺放位置 牛仔褲或裙 - 易乾,離機體較遠吹乾。 薄衣服 - 易乾,遠離機體的地方吹。 ·衣服乾燥俊要蛊快收起 潮渭季箭或下雨天氯,已乾燥的衣服需盄早收起,否削曾再次受潮。 提示 · 以下情况峙,)、黑衣服比较雅乾。 · 衣服多 · 衣服 厚 · 衣服排放阁距小 · 嗯衣服的房陨大 · 房闹的溫度低 準借及榷韶 水箱的安装 水箱没有装好或满水峙,榄醴将不能湮韓。 取出方法 安装方法 @將水箱蓋裝上,水箱把手旋轉放下 將手伸進側面水箱上方的 把手,輕輕取出水箱。 @把水箱輕輕地放回正確位 置,再重新開啟抽濕機...
  • Page 9 濾網安裝方法 將三合一多功能過濾網安裝於過濾網框,這樣可以淨化空氣。 將配備的三合一多功能過濾網裝入過濾網框。 將過濾網框裝回機體上。 加上濾網後抽濕性能會下降,您可在抽濕時除下三合一多功能濾網,以達致最佳 抽濕效果。 前置過濾網 三合一多功能過濾網...
  • Page 11 鍵 睡眠鍵 按下此鍵可開啟/關閉睡眠模式,按住為按鍵3秒可關/開啟屏顯功能。 在運轉過程操作時間掣按鍵,可設定定時關機時間。...
  • Page 12 沾在排水口周圍水可能 會滴下,請擦掉。...
  • Page 13 排水管規格...
  • Page 14 頑固的污垢要用中性清潔劑沾濕軟布,扭乾後擦拭。 水 水...
  • Page 15 過濾網 三合一多功能過濾網(2周1次) 過濾網的髒物可用吸塵機吸乾淨 三合一多功能 把吸塵機的吸力調低。 過濾網 取下過濾網框,取出三合一多功能過濾網 三合一多功能過濾網的灰塵,用吸塵機吸乾淨,然後水 洗。 用毛巾擦乾後,放在通風的地方吹乾。 充分吹乾後在安裝。 三合一多功能過濾網禁止事項:a、不 可以用自來水以外的水清洗 b、不可揉 搓濾網 c、不可以加熱乾燥 d、不要直接陽光照射乾燥 e、乾燥時候不能施加物理壓力 過濾網 產品型號 零件編號 RAD-Y200H、RAD- 41226233 Y250H、 RAD-Y300H...
  • Page 18 RAD-Y200H RAD-Y250H RAD-Y300H 5℃~32℃ 使用溫度範圍 *安裝三合一多功能過濾網後除濕性能會下降。 3.15A...
  • Page 19: Table Of Contents

    Instruction Manual <Family use> RAD-Y200H RAD-Y250H Table of Contents RAD-Y300H Safety Precautions Component Parts Function Options Laundry Drying Preparation and Confirmation Filter installation method How to Operate 10~12 Continuous Drainage Maintenance Tips 14~15 Operation & Performance Troubleshooting Specifications...
  • Page 20: Safety Precautions 2~4

    Please consult your dealer or fire, electric shock or injury. Prohibited Please contact Toshiba Repairing Toshiba Repairing Service & Parts Centre. Service & Parts Centre for repair. Do not remove the power plug by pulling the power cord as this may damage the power cord and cause short circuit, fire or electric shock.
  • Page 21 WARNING CAUTION Power supply, power plug, Set up environment and power cord Do not operate the Dehumidifier The following rules must be in the following abnormal situations strictly observed, or it may Place and use the Dehumidifier on a stable cause electric shock and fire.
  • Page 22 Safety Precautions (Cont.) CAUTION Power plug and power cord Operating the Dehumidifier Do not remove the power plug by pulling the Check the Drainage Hose during the Continuous power cord, but by grabbing hold of the plug, Drainage Operation. Wetting furniture may result in as mishandling may cause result in fire caused Strict Strict...
  • Page 23: Component Parts 5~6

    二 二 Component Parts 匠 Top Cover Louver Pre-filter Front Panel 3-in-1 Multi Handle function filter Water Tank Cover Back Panel Drainage Outlet Water Tank Handle Cord Tie Water Tank Caster Water Tank Do not remove the Float from the Water Tank, or otherwise the Dehumidifier cannot detect the water level that may cause leakage and malfunction.
  • Page 24 Component Parts (Cont.) Control panel SWING POWER FAN SPEED TIMER HUMIDITY Key Function 1. Functional Key: Internal drying function of the body;Negative ion function; 2. Swing key: Swing function of louver; 3. Sleep key: Sleep key: Sleep mode; 4. Timer key: Timing setup; 5.
  • Page 25: Function Options

    In this Mode, the Unit operates intermittently. When the current humidity is higher than the preset humidity level by 5%, the compressor turns on and the Fan starts operating with the preset Fan Speed. When the current humidity is lower than the preset humidity level by 5%, the compressor stops operating, Fan stops running.
  • Page 26: Laundry Drying

    Drying Laundry Proper use of the Laundry Drying Mode Hang and space the laundry evenly Pointing airflow from the Unit directly at the laundry and spacing the laundry evenly could shorten the laundry Position of the Dehumidifier Shifting the position of the Dehumidifier and the laundry to shorten the drying time. Sort the laundry according to fabric type and thickness and position the laundry accordingly.
  • Page 27: Filter Installation Method

    Filter installation method Install the 3-in-1 Multi function filter onto the filter frame, so that the intake air can be purified. Remove the filter frame behind the fuselage. Install the 3-in-1 Multi function filter into the filter frame. Put the filter frame back into the machine. Note: The dehumidification performance will be decreased after adding the filter.
  • Page 28: How To Operate 10~12

    丿 How to Operate (Dehumidification and Internal Dry Operation) 骂;c震。 。望芦 亿\言昙? 言骂\言霄 \言 h p e y res in elec ric shock, fire, he g ener ion, shor circ nd ig ni Warning Proh心ted Pl u g In • Al rm beeps once.
  • Page 29 How to Operate (Cont.) Fan Speed Fan Speed can be adjusted in both Automatic Mode and Laundry Drying Mode between High airflow mode and Low airflow mode. Swing Press this button to turn on/off the swing function. Function Press Function button to activate the internal dry function. Press Function button and hold for 3 seconds to activate Negative Ions Operation.
  • Page 30 Insert the Water Tank back Coil up the power cord when moving the Dehumidifier...
  • Page 32: Maintenance Tips 14~15

    Maintenance Tips Do not plug in or unplug the Dehumidifier with wet hand. Warning Doing so could result in electric shock. No Wet Hand Turn off the Unit and unplug the power cord before cleaning it to prevent electric shock. Unplugging Caution Do not remove the Float from the Water Tank.
  • Page 33 Do not use water other than tap water for dry cleaning b. Do not rub the filter c. Can not be heated and dried d. Don't dry it under direct sunlight e. Do not apply physical pressure when dry Filter Product Model Item No RAD-Y200H、RAD- 41226233 Y250H、 RAD-Y300H...
  • Page 34: Operation & Performance

    Operation and Performance Dehumidifying capacity Dehumidifying capacity ( Operation at High Fan Speed ) Operating the Dehumidifier under the conditions set out below, the dehumidifying capacity is the amount of moisture removed per day (24 hours): High Fan Speed Operation at a room temperature of 26.7°C, indoor humidity of 60%, with no preset humidity level, and the Louver fully open.
  • Page 35: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting Please check the following items of the Dehumidifier before calling for service. Symptoms and remedies 1. The remedies that could resolve the symptoms listed below. Symptom Possible Cause Remedy Plug the power cord fully into Is the power cord properly inserted? the power socket.
  • Page 36: Specifications

    Operating temperature 5℃~32℃ range The dehumidification performance will be decreased after adding the 3-in-1 Multi function filter.

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