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Roland Micro Composer MC-80 Turbostart
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Micro Composer
It's a Fact...
The MC-80 Micro Composer builds upon the
successful MC-50mkII as a stand-alone MIDI
sequencer. It's enhanced by features typically found
in many of today's computer-based sequencers.
Features include:
Stand-alone professional MIDI sequencer with
powerful composing, arranging, and realtime
performance capabilities
Enhanced 480 TPQN resolution for greater feel
Sev er al stor a ge o ption s: in te rn a l flo pp y dr ive ,
h ar d dr ive / ZIP
dr iv e, or e x te rn al ha rd dr iv e v ia
o ptio na l SCSI p or t
MARK and JUMP buttons provide quick realtime
arrangement of songs during practice and
Advanced Quantize, Realtime Phrase
Sequencing (RPS) and Arpeggiator functions
Large backlit LCD for quick song selection and
easy sequencing operations
Ass ignable footswitch optio ns suc h as Mark/Ju mp,
Pla y/Stop , and Fade O ut.
Optional VE-GSPro Voice Expansion Board
turns the MC-80 into an independent workstation
adding over 1,000 high quality GS sounds and
powerful effects
compatible with two independent
MIDI Outs offering 32 independent parts and 64-
voices of polyphony (with the optional VE-GSPro
Voice Expansion Board).
Connecting External MIDI Devices
The MC-80 features two MIDI Outs and two MIDI Ins
for flexible routing of external MIDI devices. Use the
following procedure to connect a MIDI keyboard
and/or module to the MC-80:
Connect a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT of the
MC-80 to the MIDI IN of your MIDI keyboard.
Connect a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT of the
MIDI keyboard to the MIDI IN of the MC-80.
Connect a MIDI cable from the MIDI OUT of the
MC-80 to the MIDI IN of the MIDI module.
© 1999 Roland Corporation U.S., 5100 S. Eastern Ave., Los Angeles CA 90040
Playing the Demo Songs
Use the following procedure to listen to the MC-80
demo song featuring tones from the VE-GSPro:
Note: The VE-GSPro must be installed in order to
hear the MC-80 demo song.
Press TOOLS.
Press F3 [MIDI], then press F6 [EXPBOARD].
Press F6 [DEMOPLAY] to play the demo song.
Press F5 [DEMOSTOP] to stop playback.
Press EXIT to return to Song Play mode.
Selecting/Playing Songs
The MC-80 allows you to quickly dial up a song and play it
without any load time. Use the following procedure to
select and playback a song:
Place the disk with the song data into the floppy
Press SELECT and turn the VALUE dial to select
the desired song.
Press PLAY to begin playback.
Press STOP when you're finished.
Selecting VE-GSPro Tones
Installing the VE-GSPro equips the MC-80 with 1117
tones and 42 rhythm kits. The VE-GSPro emulates
the tones of the SC-55, SC-88, and SC-88Pro
modules. It is necessary to
select a tone, and then load the song into internal memory.
Use the following procedure to select tones:
Use the CURSOR buttons to select the track to
the right of "Rec."
Turn the VALUE dial to select Trk 1.
Press F4 [MICRO] and press F1 [CREATE].
Use the CURSOR buttons to select Program
Press F5 [LIST] to view the tone maps: 88 PRO,
88 MAP, 55 MAP.
Press F5 [88 PRO] to select the SC-88Pro map.
Use the CURSOR buttons to select the desired
Press F6 [CREATE] to confirm your selection.
Repeat Steps 1-8 to select additional tones as
10. Press EXIT to return to Song Play mode.
select a tone map before you
Faxback # 21080
Page 1


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Summary of Contents for Roland Micro Composer MC-80

  • Page 1 Press F6 [CREATE] to confirm your selection. Repeat Steps 1-8 to select additional tones as desired. 10. Press EXIT to return to Song Play mode. TBS93 © 1999 Roland Corporation U.S., 5100 S. Eastern Ave., Los Angeles CA 90040 Faxback # 21080 Page 1...
  • Page 2 Repeat Steps 3-5 to select and listen to other styles. TBS93 © 1999 Roland Corporation U.S., 5100 S. Eastern Ave., Los Angeles CA 90040 Faxback # 21080 Page 2...