Seite 4
iPAQ Choice – every software
your iPAQ could want
You've been awarded FREE points to select and download
software at iPAQ Choice. It's the best way to enhance your
iPAQ experience!
Choose from over 250 great software titles and download
them easily online. And that's not all: see our wide range
of accessories, Hints and Tips, FAQs and support.
How to claim your FREE software
Use the following step-by-step guide and the unique voucher number on the
back of this brochure. It's so quick and easy to redeem your FREE points and
download your choice of software.
You can also access iPAQ Choice directly from the Web browser on your
iPAQ Voice Messenger. Open an account on iPAQ Choice Mobile. Add the
voucher code, check out the latest iPAQ News and accessory recommendations
and download great software – anytime, anywhere!
Step-by-step guide to
downloading your FREE software
1. Is your iPAQ connected to your PC? Good! Then simply go to the
iPAQ Choice website at ipaqchoice.com
2. Where are you? Select your country and then click on '>> Found a Brochure?'
3. See the Account Registration and Login pages to create your iPAQ Choice
account with email address and password. Ready? Click 'Register and continue'.
4. Enter your voucher number and country at the bottom of the page and click 'Add
and continue >>'.
5. Browse and select from over 250 software titles. Shopping basket full? Click
'Complete Selection >>'. If you want more than your FREE points worth of
software, purchase pointPAQs to carry on shopping.
6. Follow the instructions to install the iPAQ Download Agent. It's software
downloading and installation made easy.
7. All done? Click 'Re-sync' on the software title of the screen image. Proceed to
'Download' and 'Install'. Make sure your iPAQ Voice Messenger is connected.
8. You're still here? Start enjoying your personal HP iPAQ Voice Messenger!
Need help?
Do you have a question about the iPAQ and is the answer not in the manual?
Questions and answers