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International registered trademark n. 804888 English Français Español GATE 2 DG R1B (Cod. 23023025) CENTRALE ELETTRONICA PER 1 O 2 MOTORI A 230V/115V ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT FOR 1 OR 2 230V/115V MOTORS ARMOIRE DE COMMANDE POUR 1 OU 2 MOTEURS EN 230V/115V CENTRAL ELECTRÓNICA PARA 1 O 2 MOTORES A 230V/115V...
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English COMPONENTS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Control unit power supply: 230 Vac 50/60 Hz - 115Vac 50/60 Hz Absorption in stand by: 30 mA Environment temperature : -20°C +50°C Specifications of external enclosure: 325,7 X 246 X 140 (Management card for linear Encoder) DOWN JOLLY JOLLY-JOLLY2...
CONNECTIONS English PARTIAL OPENING, STOP, START PARTIAL OPENING (N.O.) • Function 1 (STANDARD): partial opening space adjustble from 20 to 100 (90- PARTIAL OPENING menu). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 • Function 2 (TIMER): by holding STDP 4 the gate opens and then stay opened. While you release it the gate repeat the pause selected time and start closing.
English CONNECTIONS MOTORS, CAPACITY AND POWER SUPPLY 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Cap M1 Cap M2 Motor 1 Motor 1 connection M = Opening /Closing Com = COMMON Example Motor to be connected in case of single-leaf.
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English LIMIT SWITCH, ELECTRIC LOCK CONNECTIONS LIMIT SWITCH 14 Does not need a jumper when not connected. For the limit switch function, limit switches must be installed, both in opening and closing. In the case of single-leaf connect motor 1 (it is not necessary to bridge the limit switches of motor 2).
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English CONNECTIONS SAFETY GATE, AMPEROMETRIC MANAGEMENT or POSITION GATE 1) AMPEROMETRIC DEVICE FOR ELECTROMECHANICAL OPERATORS This control unit comes with an obstacle detection system working only on electromechanical operators allowing to have the reversing on obstacles and the automatic detection of the stops. Sensitivity adjustable from OFF to 99% inside the special menu.
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English CONNECTIONS 4 LIMIT SWITCHES WITH LSE CARD CONTROL UNIT GATE 2 DG R1B Dip switch 1 = OFF Dip switch 2 = ON I1 = Slowdown motor 1 closing I2 = Slowdown motor 1 opening GND = Common I3 =Slowdown motor 2 closing...
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English CONNECTIONS SAFETY LOOP DRAWING SHOWS HOW TO EVENTUALLY CONNECT THE MAGNETIC LOOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 C2 C2 C1 = CONTACT OPEN C2 = CONTACT CLOSED 12 = 24 V Safety exit loop 11 = 0 V Connecting scheme of...
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English PRE SET PARAMETERS AND NO/NC CONTACTS DISPLAY INPUTS STATUS Pratial Stop Limit Switch opening Start opening motor 2 Limit Limit Switch Switch MENU closing motor 2 - - - opening motor 1 - - - - - - - - Limit Switch closing...
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5 seconds, you enter the CHECK 1-LANGUAGE MENU, where you can check the operating status of all inputs. MENU FUNCTION TABLE CHECK GATE 2 DG R1B INPUTS To access the Menu for input check keep pressed OK for about 5 seconds. Description...
QUICK START AND PROGRAMMING English PROGRAMMING BUTTONS MENU MENU LANGUAGE ENGLISH DOWN To exit Skip this step if you do not want to program a transmitter Press the MENU MENU MENU MENU button of the PRESS STORED TRANSMITTERS START TX to be BUTTON Press stored...
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English MANUAL SELFLEARNING A) IMPULSES * The gate will start the following cycle: CLOSING M2 - CLOSING M1 - OPENING M1 - OPENING M2 - CLOSING M2 - CLOSING M1. During cycle, to store the respective stops, press UP or DOWN or START at every point of mechanical stop of the leaf. The self-learning is done.
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AUTOMATIC SELF-LEARNING English following cycle Make sure, for all these types of selflearning, that the gate effects the : CLOSE M2, CLOSE M1, OPEN M1, OPEN M2, CLOSE M2, CLOSE M1. Otherwise see REVERSE MOTOR function. B) ENCODER * MENU MENU 32-ENCODER - When an Encoder is installed, it is necessary to select ON in the 32-ENCODER menu...
English LOGIC FUNCTIONS MENU With UP or DOWN Skip this step if you want to work To confirm and return LOGIC choose in semi-automatic logic to main menu the desired logic ONLY AFTER SELF LEARNING OF WORKING TIME WITH AUTOMATIC LOGIC, THEN YOU CAN CHANGE LOGICS TO: A) AUTOMATIC A start impulse opens the gate.
English BASIC MENU MENU FUNCTIONS TABLE GATE 2 DG R1B Set value MENU Description Default Italiano Italian English English 1 - LANGUAGE English Français French Español Spanish Dutch Olandese Start Start Partial opening Partial opening External module External module Start...
English SPECIAL MENU DOWN SPECIAL MENU FUNCTIONS TABLE GATE 2 DG R1B For entering into the special menu move on one of the menu and press the UP and DOWN buttons at the same time for 5 s or access through the menu 16 and press OK.
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English MENU SP Description Default Set value Reports the current position of the potentiometer on the leaf of motor 2. 54 - I.PAR.M2 This parameter is useful for - - - - - - - - seeing if the potentiometer is read correctly.
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English MENU SP Default Set value Description Adjusts the threshold of the 38 - POT. THRESHOLD potentiometer intervention. OPENING 1 The parameter self- determines in learning but 39 - POT. THRESHOLD can also be adjusted later. CLOSING 1 The lower the value, the slower will be the response 40 - POT.
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English MENU SP Default Set value Description Retrieves the inertia of the 70 - OPENING POSITION motor in opening after Stop 0 20 RECOVERY or reversing Retrieves the inertia of the 71 - CLOSING POSITION motor in closing after Stop 0 20 RECOVERY or reversing...
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English MENU SP Default Set value Description Normal Normal Control lamp Light Normal 86 - FLASHING LIGHT Always ON Always Buzzer Buzzer The flashing light remains OFF with the active timer and open gate 87 - FLASHING LIGHT AND TIMER The flashing light remains ON with active timer and open gate...
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English MENU SP Description Default Set value Test enabled on edge 1 Edge1 Test enabled on edge 2 Edge2 96 - EDGE AUTOTEST Test enabled on edge Edge1-2 1 and 2 Disabled If the photocell is occupied, reverses the movement in Closing closing, during pause it prevent the closing.
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English MENU SP Description Default Set value If the photocell is occupied, reverses the movement in Closing closing, during pause it prevent the closing. If activated the photocell blocks the move- ment as long as it’s busy, Opening and closing when released the opening continues.
If the password has been forgotten, the only way to unlock the control unit is to contact the SEA technical assistance, which will assess whether to provide the procedure to unlock the control unit or not.
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English RADIO TRANSMITTER SELF LEARNING WITH RECEIVER ON BOARD OF CONTROL UNIT With RF UNI and RF UNI PG module it will be possible to use both Coccinella Roll Plus transmitters and radio transmitters with fixed code. The first memorized radio transmitter will determine the type of the remaining radio transmitters. If the receiver is a Rolling Code, press twice the button of the radio transmitter that you want to program to memorize the first TX.
ALARM DESCRIPTION English Signals Kind of alarm Solutions Motors current Sure there are no short circuits on the motor or on the control FAILURE MOTOR failure unit. Make sure there are no short circuits on wiring or control unit AUX output voltage FAILURE24VAUX and no overload.
Materials handling must be made with appropriate vehicles.. WARRANTY LIMITS For the guarantee see the sales conditions on the official SEA price list. SEA reserves the right to make any required modification or change to the products and/or to this manual without any advanced notice obligation.
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SEA. 4) PAGAMENTI Le forme di pagamento ammesse sono quelle comunicate o accettate di volta in volta dalla SEA. Il tasso di interesse sul ritardo da pagamento è del 1,5% mensile e comunque non oltre il tasso massimo legalmente consentito.
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The recognized defects, whatever their nature, shall not produce any responsibility and/or damage claim on the part of the Buyer against SEA. The guarantee is in no case recognized if changes are made to the goods, or in the case of improper use, or in the case of tampering or improper assembly, or if the label affixed by the manufacturer has been removed including the SEA registered trademark No.
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14. Transit through the leaves is allowed only when the gate is fully open. 15. The User must not attempt to repair or to take direct action on the system and must solely contact qualified SEA personnel or SEA service centers. User can apply only the manual function of emergency.
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3. Este producto fue diseñado y construido exclusivamente para el uso especificado en esta documentación. Cualquier otro uso no expresamente indicado puede afectar la integridad del producto y ser una fuente de peligro. El uso inadecuado es también causa de anulación de la garantía. SEA S.p.A. se exime de toda responsabilidad causadas por uso inapropiado o diferente de aquel para el que el sistema automatizado fue producido.
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La SEA S.p.A. dichiara sotto la propria responsabilità e, se applicabile, del suo rappresentante autorizzato che il prodotto: SEA S.p.A. declares under its proper responsability and, if applicable, under the responsability of its authorised representative that the product: Descrizione / Description...
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è stato testato singolarmente al fine di garantire i più alti livelli qualitativi e la vostra soddisfazione. Vi ringraziamo per aver scelto SEA. This article was produced following strict processing procedures and has been tested individually in order to ensure the highest levels of quality and your satisfaction.
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® Sistemi Elettronici di Apertura Porte e Cancelli International registered trademark n. 804888 SEA S.p.A. Zona industriale 64020 S.ATTO Teramo - (ITALY) Tel. +39 0861 588341 r.a. Fax +39 0861 588344
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