Use these numbers in any When Going on Vacation ..20 your phone number): correspondence or service calls concerning your compactor. Consumer Affairs GE Appliances Problem Solver....lO you received a Louisville, KY 40225 More questions ? damaged compactor... Write down the model (or builder) that sold you the compactor.
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reassembly can cause electric shock when including tie fo~owing: Use ody for in~mded use as d~ribed in this manual. Do not use other than manufaaer’s To prevent ~rd of eleetri~.shock, this *Donut compati food waste such as raw meat and M, grapefruit rind% persod hygiene items and disposable diapers.
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Bag Storage r ---1 — Key Lock Switch Mount optional air freshener here — (not included) Safety Latch — Bag Caddy Removable ‘Trash Drawer Door Panels— Leveling Legs Model GCG1OOO is mpable of being convetied from white to black...
What It Does Your compactor reduces household trash to as titie as It compacts most refuse, including paper, cans, 1/12 of its onginrd volume. and some food wastes. How it Works Drop mash into a disposable bag that lines the trash NOTE: The trash drawer must be 1/2 fu~ before you drawer and close the drawer.
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Reinforced polyethylene bags come with your Press bag into dl comers compactor. ~ese bags have been pre-cuffed and are of drawer and smooth ready to be instiled. the bottom. You must use the speeifiy desi~ed heavy-duty Smooth and shape the bag trash bags included tith your compactor.
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After instrdling a trash bag, the compactor is ready to use. Loading Lift the trash drawer handle and pull the drawer out as Folded newspaper will dso help prevent glass far as necessary to load the items. fragments from flying out of the drawer into the mechanism when compacting a large glass bottle, or several boties or jars, or any other items that might near the center of the drawer.
Apptiance Potish and Wax Cleaner (Cat. No. WR97X216) is avtiable from GE Appliance Parts Marts. 2. Place hand on To clean the cabinet interior: ram face, being 1.
Electrical Requirements Caution: Before Plugging In Compactor, Read The connected to an individud, properly grounded branch Following Electrical Requirements. circuit protected by a 15 or 20 amp circuit breaker or Caution: For Personal Safety, Do Not Use time delay fuse. An Etiension Cord Or Adapter Plug With If the electic supply provided does not mwt the This Appliance.
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For a door that is too tid to open ur close, just@ up shghtiy. For a door that f~s down, pushdown tightiy. Adjust as necessary. DOESN’T STAY ~OS~ OR IS TOO m TO GE hswer Center” 800.626.2000 consumer information service...
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With the purchase ofyournewMono~ appliance, receive tie assurance bat ifyou ever need information or assistance horn GE, wdll be there. All you have to do is cti-to~-tiee! AGE consumer service professional will provide expert repair service, scheduled at a time that’s convenient for you. Many GE Consumer Service convenience (7:00 a.m.
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Centers or by our authorized Customer Car@ servicers during normal working hours. Should your appliance need service during warranty period or beyond, call 800-GE-CARES (800-432-2737) WHAT IS NOT COVERED Replacement of house fuses or teach you how to use the product.
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