This glossary includes many terms that are useful when working with the SONY DDS tape drive. Not all
terms are used within this manual.
A frame used to separate groups. It has a Logical Frame Number of zero. The Main Data
Area contains only a valid header.
American National Standards Institute, which sets standards for, amongst other things, SCSI
and the safety of electrical devices.
Automatic Track Finding
Beginning of partition(BOP)
The position at the beginning of the permissible recording region of a partition. If only one
partition is defined, this position is typically equivalent to the beginning-of-medium. (BOM)
Beginning of medium(BOM)
The extreme position along the medium in the direction away from the supply reel which can
be accessed by the device.
Bit error rate
Number of errors/Total number of bits written or read
Block error rate
Number of errors/Total number of blocks written or read
Beginning Of Media
Beginning Of Tape
Buffered mode
A mode of data transfer in write operations which facilitates tape streaming, as reported in the
Mode Select parameter.
Level 1 error correction code is 32,28,5 Reed-Solomon code with an interleave depth of two
symbols. This enables it to correct up to two symbols error or burst errors up to four symbols
long. The code is stored in the same track as the data.
Level 2 error correction code is 32,26,7 Reed-Solomon code with an interleave depth of four
blocks (1 data block - 288 data bits). This enables it
to correct up to three symbols error, six symbols erasure error, or 792 symbols burst error.
The code is stored on the same track as the data.
C3 ECC Level 3 error correction code provided by the DDS format. C3 allows
any two tracks in a group to be corrected, and is used only when a raw data
error is too big to be corrected by C1 and C2. C3 code is stored in an extra
frame at the end of the twenty-two frames of data in each group.
8 - 6
SONY SDT-10000/SDT-11000 DDS Tape Drive
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