phase II+ 900-356 Manual

phase II+ 900-356 Manual

Brinell hardness tester


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21 Industrial Ave  Upper Saddle River, NJ. 07458
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Model No.900‐355
Brinell Hardness Tester
Model No. 900‐356
Shown w/Optional Optical Scanner System PHT‐5000


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  • Page 1 21 Industrial Ave  Upper Saddle River, NJ. 07458 Tel: (201)962‐7373  Fax: (201)962‐8353 E‐Mail: Web Site: Model No.900‐355 Brinell Hardness Tester Model No. 900‐356 Shown w/Optional Optical Scanner System PHT‐5000...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents General description…………………………………………………………... Key performance parameters………………………………………………. Basic configuration and structure…………………………………………. Standard configuration………………………………………………………. Structure schematic diagram……………………………………………….. Installation and adjustment…………………………………………………. Operating methods…………………………………………………………… Testing preparation…………………………………………………………… Test parameters setting……………………………………………………… 5.2.1 Brinell hardness symbol ……….…………………………………………… 5.2.2 Load dwell setting…………………………………………………………….. 5.2.3 Reference information ………………………………………………………. 5.2.4 Time setting……………………………………………………………………. Testing…………………………………………………………………………..
  • Page 3: General Description

    1 General description The 900‐355/356 Brinell hardness testers are mainly used for hardness determination for metallic materials such as cast iron, steel profiles, nonferrous metals and soft alloys, and also can be used for testing of hard plastics, and some other nonmetallic materials. This unit is suitable bakelite for use in factories, workshops, laboratories, universities and research institutes.
  • Page 4: Basic Configuration And Structure

    3 Basic configuration and structure 3.1 Standard configuration Base machine Standard block 125-350HBW10/3000 Standard block 125-350HBW10/1000 Ф10mm Tungsten Carbide Ball indenter Ф5mm Tungsten Carbide Ball indenter Ф2.5mm Tungsten Carbide Ball indenter Mounting screws for indenter Screwdriver for indenter mounting Flat anvil “V ”shape anvil 20X microscope Power supply wire...
  • Page 5: Installation And Adjustment

    21 Industrial Ave  Upper Saddle River, NJ. 07458 Tel: (201)962‐7373  Fax: (201)962‐8353 E‐Mail: Web Site: 4 Installation and adjustment Unpack the wood case, then remove the three M10 screws from the underside of the base. Lift the machine very carefully from the bottom. Remove the all accessories that are attached to the baseboard by the straps. The machine should be mounted on a firm bench or table in a clean area, free from vibration or shock, recommended height is 800mm. A hole must be provided in the top of the bench to provide working clearance for the leadscrew refering figure 4.1. Place the tester on the prepared bench, turn the hand wheel counter clockwise to lower the anvil, remove the anti vibration pad; then place a precision level with the accuracy of 0.2mm/m on the anvil, adjust the leveling feet of tester to make the machine level within 1mm/m, then lock the nuts on the leveling feet. Figure 4.1 For installation, open the upper cover and back cover of tester, then remove all the packing materials.
  • Page 6: Operating Methods

    5 Operating methods 5.1 Testing preparation Switch on the machine and then the tester will automatically perform a self check. The relative information such as type, series number, software version will be displayed on screen. Tester will come to main menu after self-checking; current test parameters will be displayed on screen, and the status at the last test parameters will be automatically stored. Figure 5.1.1 is a typical status of Brinell testing parameter; showing the testing load, indenter diameter, load dwell duration, as well as current time.
  • Page 7: Brinell Hardness Symbol

    5.2.1 Brinell hardness symbol There are 12 kinds of Brinell parameters that this machine is capable of setting. The appropriate parameters should be selected according the material and intended hardness value. The parameters are listed in Tab 5.1. Press“ ”or“ ”key to move cursor to “1” in figure 5.2.1, press “ ”...
  • Page 8: Load Dwell Setting

    5.2.2 Load dwell setting Load dwell refers to the duration of total test force. Press “ ”or“ ”key to move cursor to “2” in figure 5.2.2, press “ ” key ,then the cursor move to “12S”. Press “ ”or“ ”key at this time to select the dwell time range from 2s~99s,then press “...
  • Page 9: Testing

    5.3 Testing Caution: The sample must be place and supported in such a manner that the surface to be indented is in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the indenter and the line of the indenting force. Otherwise 3000kgf will bring a great divisive force in horizontal direction that may cause damage to the machine.
  • Page 10 Figure 5.3.3 Figure 5.3.4 . Use of Microscope for Readings Taking 1.1 A scheme of the microscope’s external structure (Fig. 8) Eyelens Adjusting Knob Eye Lens Package Reading Taking Drum Lens Cylinder Locking Screw Object Lens Cylinder Long Lens Cylinder Lens Cylinder Base Fig 8 1.2 Application...
  • Page 11 1.4 Operation instructions: 1.4.1 Place the microscope on the standard block or specimen, using natural light or a lamp as illumination through the notch on the long lens cylinder. Both the numerals and graduation lines on the scale shall be clearly identifiable in the sight range. If the indent can not be clearly defined, turn the eye lens knob to adjust the sight until it becomes clear.
  • Page 12: Shut Down

    Measure the diameter of the indention using the microscope in 2 directions perpendicular to each other. Remember the values and enter as shown below, marked as d1 and d2 on the digital display of the machine Press “ ”or“ ” key to move cursor to “3” HBW Calculator in figure 5.2.1, then press “ ”...
  • Page 13 PHT-5000 Brinell Hardness Indentation Auto-measurement System Shown w/laptop. (not included) Features Friendly User Interface: Automatic measurement with a key stroke or a click of a button; Test results can be manually generated or corrected with a single mouse drag move; High reliability: Advanced image processing and analysis technologies in automatic measurement. Field proven under severe sample surface conditions; Single camera with four magnifications: 1.3M pixel CMOS USB camera with two camera tubes with each tube height having two magnifications. Full measurement range is covered with four magnifications for better measurement accuracy. Specifically, tube 1 magnification #1 is suitable for indentation diameters 3~6mm, magnification #2 for 0.8~1.6mm, while tube 2 magnification #3 for 2~4mm, and magnification #4 for 1~2mm.
  • Page 14 Main Functions Basic Functions: Includes the basic functions of imaging system such as image capture, camera calibration, image processing, geometric measurement, document labeling, and album management; Automatic measurement: Automatically or manually measures the indentation diameter and calculates the hardness HB value; HB2 (DIN 1605 standard) automatic measurement: Automatically or manually measures the indentation diameters on the calibration sample and the test sample, and automatically interpolates the HB value for the test sample; Conversion and validation: Converts HB to other hardness scales;Validates the test results with sample dimensions; Statistics: Automatically updates the statistical values such as average, min and max, standard deviation,Cp and Cpk;...
  • Page 15 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Non‐Austenitic Steels (Rockwell C Hardness Range) A Rockwell Superficial Rockwell Number Brinell Hardness Number Rockwell C Vickers 10‐mm 10‐mm Knoop D Scale 15‐N 30‐N 45‐N Scleroscope 150kgf (HV) Standard Carbide 500‐gf Scale 100kgf Scale Scale Scale Hardness (HRC) ball ball and 60 kgf (HRD) 15‐kgf 30‐kgf 45‐kgf 3000kgf 3000kgf Over (HRA)
  • Page 16 Approximate Hardness Conversion Numbers for Non‐Austenitic Steels (Rockwell B Hardness Range) A Rockwell Superficial Rockwell Number Rockwell B Vickers 10‐mm Knoop F Scale 15‐T Scale 30‐T Scale 45‐T Scale 100kgf (HV) Standard 500‐gf Scale 60kgf 15‐kgf 30‐kgf 45‐kgf (HRB) ball and 60 kgf (HRF) (HR15T) (HR30T) (HR45T) 3000kgf Over (HRA) (HBS) (HK) 100 240 240 251 61.5...
  • Page 17 Approximate Leeb (Type D) Hardness Conversion for Non‐Austenitic Steels (Rockwell C Hardness Range) A Leeb Hardness, Type D Rockwell C Hardness Vickers Hardness Brinell Hardness Impact Device (HLD) 150kgf (HRC) (HV 10) 10mm Steel Ball 3000kgf (HBS) 828 762 (721) 819 737 (699) 809 711 (675) 800 688 (654) 667 634 791 782 645 614 773 625 595 764 605 577 755 586 559 746 568 542 737 550...
  • Page 18 Main Headquarters: U.S.A Phase II Machine & Tool, Inc. 21 Industrial Ave Upper Saddle River, NJ. 07458 USA Tel: (201) 962‐7373 Fax: (201) 962‐8353 BEIJING, CHINA General E‐Mail: MEXICO Phase II Measuring Instruments (Beijing) Ltd. Phase II de Mexico Room 301, Bldg 2 Qing Yuan Xi Li, Haidian District, Calle A No. 4 Promer Piso Beijing 100192,China Col. San Marcos Azcapotzalco Tel:+86‐10‐59792409 C.P 02020 Mexico Fax: +86‐10‐59814851 Tel: 01(55) 3622‐7000 General E‐mail: Fax: 01(55) 5319‐4000 VENEZUELA Phase II Herramientas Universales EDCM. CA.

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