Quick Card
T-BERD 5800 Network Tester
SONET Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT)
This quick card describes how to configure and run a SONET Bit Error Rate Test at the full concatenated
line rate. Please note that the T-BERD can also test channelized payloads (DS1, VT1.5, and STS-n).
Please refer to the T-BERD 5800 User's Guide for more information.
Equipment Requirements:
• T-BERD 5800 equipped with the following:
o BERT software release V26.2 or greater
o Test options:
▪ C5LSSONSDH: OC-3/OC-12 option
▪ C525GSONSDH: OC-48 option
▪ C510GSONSDH: OC-192 option
• Optical Transceiver supporting the Optical Carrier level to be
tested (SFP or SFP+)
• LC Attenuators (5dB, 10dB, and/or 15dB)
• Cables to match the optical transceiver and the line under test
• Fiber optic inspection microscope (P5000i or FiberChek Probe)
• Fiber optic cleaning supplies
The following information is required to complete the test:
• Optical wavelength (typically 1310nm or 1550nm)
• Optical Carrier Level (OC-3, OC-12, OC-48 or OC-192)
• Test Pattern(s) (default is 2^23-1 ANSI)
BER Pass/Fail Threshold
Fiber Inspection Guidelines:
Inspect and clean (if necessary) both sides of every fiber optic connection
being used (bulkhead connectors, patch cords, SFP ports, etc.) prior to
reconnection for each test. Using the VIAVI P5000i or FiberChek Probe
inspection microscope:
• Focus the fiber on the screen. If dirty, clean the connector.
• If it appears clean, run the inspection test.
• If the test fails, clean the fiber and re-run inspection test. Repeat until it
• To inspect SFP ports with the P5000i, insert the FBPT-LC probe tip into the
SFP, move the focus wheel all the way to one end, and slowly
move the focus wheel to the other end.
• To inspect SFP ports with the FiberChek Probe, insert the FBPT-LC probe
tip into the SFP, manually focus with middle toggle switch, or pull the
trigger to auto-focus.
• If a fiber stub (a darker circle on a lighter background as shown in figure 3)
is detected, follow standard inspection and cleaning procedures. If you
are unable to focus on a fiber end face, do not clean the port. The SFP
contains a lens and cannot be cleaned.
Figure 1: Equipment Requirements
Figure 2: FiberChek Probe
Figure 3: Image of Clean Fiber
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