• The device must be operated by persons authorized and trained by the facility's owner-operator. Strict compliance with the instructions in these Operating Instructions is mandatory. • Endress+Hauser is willing to assist in clarifying the chemical resistance properties of parts wetted by special fluids, including fluids used for cleaning.
Endress+Hauser: • Always enclose a duly completed "Declaration of Contamination" form. Only then Endress+Hauser can transport, examine and repair a returned device. Note! You will find a preprinted "Declaration of Contamination" form at the back of this manual.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Identification Identification Device designation The "Prosonic Flow 93T" flowmeter system consists of the following components: • Prosonic Flow 93 transmitter • Sensor: – Prosonic Flow P Clamp On version (DN 15 to 65 / ½ to 2½") –...
Identification Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 2.1.2 Nameplate of the sensor 4153 Reinach Switzerland Prosonic Flow P 93TA1-XXXXXXXXXXXX Order Code: 12345678901 Ser.No.: P-CL-2F-L-B Type: DN50-300 -40°C(-40°F)...+80°C(+175°F) OPEN CLOSE IP68 NEMA TYPE 6P Tamb/Tumg:0°C..+60°C Prosonic Flow P Portable Ser.No.: 12345678901 Type: P-CL-6F-M-D -40...+100°C/-40...+32°F...
EMC requirements of IEC/EN 61326. The measuring system described in these Operating Instructions thus complies with the statutory requirements of the EC Directives. Endress+Hauser confirms successful testing of the device by affixing to it the CE mark. The measuring system complies with the EMC requirements of the "Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)".
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation Incoming acceptance, transport and storage 3.1.1 Incoming acceptance On receipt of the goods, check the following points: • Check the packaging and the contents for damage. • Check the shipment, make sure nothing is missing and that the scope of supply matches your order.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation 3.2.3 Orientation Vertical Recommended orientation with upward direction of flow (View A). With this orientation, entrained solids will sink and gases will rise away from the sensor when the fluid is stagnant. The piping can be completely drained and protected against solids buildup.
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 3.2.5 Sensor selection and arrangement The sensors can be arranged differently: • Mounting arrangement for measurement via one traverse: the sensors are located on opposite sides of the pipe. • Mounting arrangement for measurement via two traverses: the sensors are located on the same side of the pipe.
A number of methods are available for determining the values: – Local operation of the device – Applicator (software), online on the Endress+Hauser Internet site Mechanical preparation of the Clamp On holders for the sensors: –...
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Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Running the "Sensor Installation" Quick Setup menu Note! • If you are not familiar with the operation of the device ä 33. • The following section only describes the steps necessary for Clamp On type of mounting within the "Sensor Installation"...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation 3.5.2 Determining installation distances via Applicator Applicator is a software application for selecting and planning flowmeters. The installation distances required for installation can be determined without having to connect the transmitter beforehand. Applicator is available: •...
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 3.6.1 Mounting the sensor holder • Sensor: Prosonic Flow (DN 15 to 65 / ½ to 2½") • Sensor holder: Model 1 or 2 Model 1 Set the sensor distance determined (e.g. A19) on the sensor holder.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation Release the screw of the retaining bracket (a) and push the retaining bracket up against the pipe. A0011550 Fig. 10: Guiding the retaining bracket onto the pipe Screw of retaining bracket Fix the sensor holder in place by: –...
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Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Model 2 Set the sensor distance determined (e.g. C9) on the sensor holder. – Position the sensor holders with the aid of the mounting rail. 27. 25 . 23 . 21. 19 . 17 . 15 . 13 . 11 . 9 . 7 . 5 . 3 . 1...
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation Release the quick release of the retaining bracket (a) and push the retaining bracket up against the pipe. A0013543 Fig. 14: Guiding the retaining bracket onto the pipe Quick release of retaining bracket Fix the sensor holder in place by: –...
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 3.6.2 Premounting the strapping bands (metal, medium nominal diameters) When mounting on a pipe with a nominal diameter of DN 200 (8"). Sensor: Prosonic Flow P (DN 50 to 4000 / 2 to 160") Note! Sensor orientation shown in the following sketches is for visual purposes only.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation 3.6.3 Premounting the strapping bands (metal, large nominal diameters) When mounting on a pipe with a nominal diameter of DN > 200 (8"). Sensor: Prosonic Flow P (DN 50 to 4000 / 2 to 160") Procedure Measure the pipe circumference.
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 3.6.4 Mounting with strapping bands (flexible) For sensor Prosonic Flow P (DN 50 to 4000 / 2 to 160") " Caution! • Each time you use the strapping bands, check that the ratchet locks and springs function safely beforehand.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation Installing Prosonic Flow P (DN 15 to 65 / ½ to 2½") 3.7.1 Mounting the sensor Prerequisites • The sensor holder is already mounted ä 16. • The distance of the sensor holder is set (sensor distance) ä 13.
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installing Prosonic Flow P (DN 50 to 4000 / 2 to 160") (Clamp On) 3.8.1 Installation for measurement via one traverse Prerequisites • The installation distances (sensor distance and wire length) are known ä 13.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation Loosen the screws of the fixers on the measuring wires and remove the measuring wires from the mounting bolt. Fit the sensor holders over the individual mounting bolts and tighten securely with the retaining nut.
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 3.8.2 Installation for measurement via two traverses Prerequisites • The installation distance (position sensor) is known ä 13. • The strapping bands are already mounted ä 20. Material The following material is needed for mounting: •...
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation A0001117 Fig. 28: Mounting the sensor holders Coat the contact surfaces of the sensors with an even layer of coupling fluid approx. 1 mm (0.04") thick, going from the groove through the center to the opposite edge.
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installing sensor DDU18 Premount the strapping band: – Nominal diameters DN 200 (8") ä 20 – Nominal diameters DN 200 (8") ä 21 The two mounting bolts must be positioned opposite each other on either side of the pipe.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Installation 3.10 Installing sensor DDU20 (wall thickness measurement) 3.10.1 Method 1 Measuring the wall thickness on pipes DN 15 to 65 (½ to 2½") when using the sensor holder shown on ä 16 or ä 18.
Installation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 3.10.2 Method 2 Measuring the wall thickness on pipes DN 50 to 4000 (2 to 160"). Coat the contact surface of the sensor with an even layer of coupling fluid approx. 1 mm (0.04") thick.
Connecting the connecting cable Warning! • Only use the connecting cables supplied by Endress+Hauser. • The measuring device only complies with the general safety requirements in accordance with EN 61010-1 and the EMC requirements of IEC/EN 61326 during storage battery operation.
Wiring Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Potential equalization No special measures are necessary for potential equalization. Degree of protection Information on the degree of protection ä 61. Post-connection check Perform the following checks after completing electrical installation of the measuring device:...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Operation Operation Quick operation guide You have a number of options for configuring and commissioning the device: Local display (option) ä 33 The local display enables you to read all of the important parameters directly at the measuring point, configure device-specific parameters in the field and commission the instrument.
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Operation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Display (operating mode) The display area consists of three lines in all; this is where measured values are displayed, and/or status variables (direction of flow, bar graph, etc.). You can change the assignment of display lines to different variables to suit your needs and preferences.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Operation Icons The icons which appear in the field on the left make it easier to read and recognize measured variables, device status, and error messages. Icon Meaning Icon Meaning System error Process errors Fault message...
Operation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Brief guide to the function matrix Note! • See the general notes ä 37. • Function description ä 65 HOME position F Entry into the function matrix Select a block (e.g. USER INTERFACE) Select a group (e.g.
• If programming is disabled and the OS operating elements are pressed in any function, a prompt for the code automatically appears on the display. • If "0" is entered as the private code, programming is always enabled. • The Endress+Hauser service organization can be of assistance if you mislay your personal code. " Caution! Changing certain parameters such as all sensor characteristics, for example, influences numerous functions of the entire measuring system, particularly measuring accuracy.
Operation Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Error messages 5.4.1 Type of error Errors that occur during commissioning or measuring are displayed immediately. If two or more system or process errors occur, the error with the highest priority is the only one shown on the display.
5.5.1 FieldCare FieldCare is Endress+Hauser’s FDT-based plant asset management tool and allows the configuration and diagnosis of intelligent field devices. By using status information, you also have a simple but effective tool for monitoring devices. The Proline flowmeters are accessed via a service interface or via the service interface FXA193.
Commissioning Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Commissioning Function check Make sure that all final checks have been completed before you commission your measuring point: • Checklist for "Post-installation check" ä 30 • Checklist for "Post-connection check" ä 32...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Commissioning Commissioning via onsite display 6.3.1 Quick Setup "Sensor Installation" The installation distances needed to install the sensors can be determined using the Quick Setup menu ä 13. 1001 Setup XXX.XXX.XX Quick Setup Sensor...
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Commissioning Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Note! • The installation distances can also be determined via the Applicator online tool ä 15. • The display returns to the function SETUP SENSOR (1001) if you press the ESC key combination during parameter interrogation.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Commissioning 6.3.2 Quick Setup "Commissioning" All the device parameters important for standard measuring mode, as well as additional functions, can be configured easily and quickly using the Quick Setup menu. 1002 XXX.XXX.XX Quick Setup Commission...
• If the fluid is very difficult to measure (e.g. containing entrained solids or gas) it may prove impossible to obtain a stable zero point despite repeated zero point adjustments. In instances of this nature, please contact your Endress+Hauser service center. • You can view the currently valid zero point value using the ZERO POINT function.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Commissioning Performing a zero point adjustment Operate the system until normal operating conditions resume. Stop the flow (v = 0 m/s). Check the shutoff valves for leaks. Check that operating pressure is correct. Using the local display, select the "ZEROPOINT ADJUST" function in the function matrix: HOME ...
Commissioning Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Site Manager The Prosonic Flow 93T is equipped with the capability to store and recall user information for a given set-up. This set of programmed (such as Pipe Data, Sensor Parameters, Liquid Data, etc.) defines a specific a "site".
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Commissioning Group LIQUID DATA LIQUID (6540) TEMPERATURE (6541) SOUND VELOCTITY LIQUID (6542) VISCOSITY (6543) Group TOTALIZER (1..3) ASSIGN (3000) UNIT TOTALIZER (3001) TOTALIZER MODE (3002) All other programming data in the instrument's memory remains unchanged when sites are saved or loaded.
Maintenance Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Maintenance General The flow measuring system Prosonic Flow 93T requires no special maintenance. Exterior cleaning When cleaning the exterior of measuring devices, always use cleaning agents that do not attack the surface of the housing and the seals.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Accessories Accessories Various accessories, which can be ordered separately from Endress+Hauser, are available for the transmitter and the sensor. The Endress+Hauser service organization can provide detailed information on the order codes on request. Device-specific accessories...
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Software for selecting and planning flowmeters. DXA80 - * The Applicator can be downloaded from the Internet or ordered on CD-ROM for installation on a local PC. Contact your Endress+Hauser representative for more information. Fieldcheck Tester/simulator for testing flowmeters in the field. 50098801 When used in conjunction with the "FieldCare"...
In the event of a serious fault, a flowmeter might have to be returned to the manufacturer for repair. Important procedures must be carried out before you return a flowmeter to Endress+Hauser ä 6. Always enclose a duly completed "Declaration of Contamination" form. A copy of the form...
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Troubleshooting Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Remedy (spare parts ä 49 ff.) Error message/type Cause S = System error $ = Fault message (with an effect on the outputs) ! = Notice message (without any effect on the outputs) No.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Troubleshooting Remedy (spare parts ä 49 ff.) Error message/type Cause No. # 6xx Simulation operation active S: POS. ZERO RET. Positive zero return active. Switch off positive zero return. " !: # 601...
Troubleshooting Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Process error messages Process errors can be defined as either "Fault" or "Notice" messages and can thus be weighted differently. Note! See the information on ä 37 ff. and ä 55. Type Error message / No.
The fault cannot be rectified or some The following options are available for tackling problems of this nature: other fault not described above has Request the services of an Endress+Hauser service technician occurred. If you contact our service organization to have a service technician sent out,...
Troubleshooting Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Response of outputs to errors Note! The response of the totalizer (failsafe mode) can be configured by means of various functions in the function matrix. You can use positive zero return to set the signals to their fallback value, for example when operation has to be interrupted while a pipe is being cleaned.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Technical data Technical data 10.1 Quick technical data guide 10.1.1 Application • Measuring the flow rate of liquids in closed piping systems. • Applications in measuring, control and regulation technology for monitoring processes. 10.1.2 Function and system design Measuring principle The measuring system operates on the principle of transit time difference.
Technical data Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 10.1.4 Output Output signal Current Output • Active/Passive selectable < 700 – Active 0/4 to 20 mA, R < 150 – Passive 4 to 20 mA, 30VDC, R • Full Scale adjustable •...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Technical data Connecting cable (sensor/ Only use the connecting cables supplied by Endress+Hauser. transmitter) Different versions of the connecting cables are available ä 49. • Cable material: PTFE • Cable lengths: 5 m (16.4 feet), 10 m (32.8 feet)
Technical data Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Measured error at the measuring point The measured error at the measuring point is made up of the measured error of the device (0.5 % o.r.) and the measured error resulting from the installation conditions on site. Given a flow velocity >...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Technical data 10.1.8 Operating conditions: environment Ambient temperature range Transmitter 0 to +60 °C (+32 to +140 °F) Prosonic Flow P sensor DN 15 to 65 (½ to 2½") • Standard: –40 to +100 °C (–40 to +212 °F) •...
Technical data Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 10.1.9 Operating conditions: process Medium temperature range Prosonic Flow P sensor DN 15 to 65 (½ to 2½") • Standard: –40 to +100 °C (–40 to +212 °F) • Optional: –40 to +150 °C (–40 to +302 °F) DN 50 to 4000 (2 to 160")
CE mark The measuring system is in conformity with the statutory requirements of the EC Directives. Endress+Hauser confirms successful testing of the device by affixing to it the CE mark. C-Tick mark The measuring system is in conformity with the EMC requirements of the "Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)".
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Description of Device Functions 11.1 Function matrix 11.1.1 General layout of the function matrix The function matrix consists of four levels: Blocks -> Groups -> Function groups -> Functions 0000 0001...
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.1.2 Codes identifying cells Each cell (block, group, function group and function) in the function matrix has an individual, unique code. Blocks: The code is a letter (A, B, C, etc.).
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.3 Block MEASURED VARIABLES 11.3.1 Group MEASURING VALUES´ Function group MAIN VALUES CH1 Functional description MEASURED VARIABLES MEASURING VALUES MAIN VALUES CH1 The measuring values of channel 1 currently being measured are displayed in this function group.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.3.2 Group SYSTEM UNITS Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description MEASURED VARIABLES SYSTEM UNITS CONFIGURATION UNIT VOLUME FLOW (0042) Use this function to select the unit for displaying the volume flow.
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Function group ADDITIONAL CONFIGURATION Functional description MEASURED VARIABLES SYSTEM UNITS ADDITIONAL CONFIGURATION UNIT TEMPERATURE Use this function to select the unit for displaying the fluid temperature. (0422) Options °C (Celsius) K (Kelvin) °F (Fahrenheit)
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.3.3 Group SPECIAL UNITS Function group ARBITRARY UNITS Functional description MEASURED VARIABLES SPECIAL UNITS ARBITRARY UNIT Use this function group to define an arbitrary unit for the flow rate variable. TEXT ARBITRARY VOLUME Use this function to enter a text for the selectable volume (flow) unit.
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.5 Block USER INTERFACE 11.5.1 Group CONTROL Function group BASIC CONFIGURATION Functional description USER INTERFACE CONTROL BASIC CONFIGURATION LANGUAGE Use this function to select the language for all texts, parameters and messages shown (2000) on the local display.
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HOME position. • You can also disable programming in this function by entering any number (other than the defined private code). • The Endress+Hauser service organization can be of assistance if you mislay your personal code. Endress+Hauser...
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description USER INTERFACE CONTROL UNLOCKING/LOCKING DEFINE PRIVATE CODE Use this function to enter a personal code number for enabling programming. (2021) User input 0 to 9999 (max. 4-digit number) Factory setting Note! •...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.5.2 Group MAIN LINE Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description USER INTERFACE MAIN LINE CONFIGURATION 1 = Main line 2 = Additional line 3 = Information line A0001253 ASSIGN Use this function to define the display value assigned to the main line (the top line of (2200) the local display) during normal measuring operation.
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Function group MULTIPLEX Functional description USER INTERFACE MAIN LINE MULTIPLEX ASSIGN Use this function to define a second reading to be displayed in the main line alternately (2220) (every 10 seconds) with the reading defined in the function ASSIGN (2200).
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.5.3 Group ADDITIONAL LINE Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description USER INTERFACE ADDITIONAL LINE CONFIGURATION 1 = Main line 2 = Additional line 3 = Information line A0001253 ASSIGN Use this function to define the display value assigned to the additional line (the middle (2400) line of the local display) during normal measuring operation.
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description USER INTERFACE ADDITIONAL LINE CONFIGURATION FORMAT Note! (2402) This function is not available unless a number was selected in the function ASSIGN (2400). Use this function to define the maximum number of places after the decimal point displayed for the reading in the additional line.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Function group MULTIPLEX Functional description USER INTERFACE ADDITIONAL LINE MULTIPLEX ASSIGN Use this function to define a second reading to be displayed in the main line alternately (2420) (every 10 seconds) with the reading defined in the function ASSIGN (2400).
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description USER INTERFACE ADDITIONAL LINE MULTIPLEX FORMAT Note! (2422) This function is not available unless a number was selected in the function ASSIGN (2420). Use this function to define the maximum number of places after the decimal point displayed for the reading in the main line.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.5.4 Group INFORMATION LINE Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description USER INTERFACE INFORMATION LINE CONFIGURATION 1 = Main line 2 = Additional line 3 = Information line A0001253 ASSIGN Use this function to define the display value assigned to the additional line (the bottom (2600) line of the local display) during normal measuring operation.
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description USER INTERFACE INFORMATION LINE CONFIGURATION FORMAT Note! (2602) This function is not available unless a number was selected in the function ASSIGN (2600). Use this function to define the maximum number of places after the decimal point displayed for the reading in the additional line.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Function group MULTIPLEX Functional description USER INTERFACE INFORMATION LINE MULTIPLEX ASSIGN Use this function to define a second reading to be displayed in the main line alternately (2620) (every 10 seconds) with the reading defined in the function ASSIGN (2600).
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description USER INTERFACE INFORMATION LINE MULTIPLEX FORMAT Note! (2622) This function is not available unless a number was selected in the function ASSIGN (2620). Use this function to define the maximum number of places after the decimal point displayed for the reading in the main line.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.6 Block TOTALIZER 11.6.1 Group TOTALIZER (1 to 3) Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description TOTALIZER TOTALIZER CONFIGURATION ASSIGN Use this function to assign a measured variable to the totalizer in question.
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Function group OPERATION Functional description TOTALIZER TOTALIZER OPERATION Use this function to view the total for the particular totalizer's measured variable (3040) aggregated since measuring commenced. The value can be positive or negative, depending on the setting selected in the "TOTALIZER MODE"...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.7 Block OUTPUTS 11.7.1 Group CURRENT OUTPUT Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description OUTPUTS E CURRENT OUTPUT 1 EAA CONFIGURATION 400 ASSIGN CURRENT Use this function to define a second reading to be displayed in the main line alternately OUTPUT (every 10 seconds) with the reading defined in the function ASSIGN (2600).
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description OUTPUTS E CURRENT OUTPUT 1 EAA CONFIGURATION 400 CURRENT SPAN (4001) Use this function to define the current span. The selection specifies the operational range and the lower and upper signal on alarm.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description OUTPUTS E CURRENT OUTPUT 1 EAA CONFIGURATION 400 VALUE 0_4 mA Use this function to assign the 0/4 mA current a value. The value can be greater or less (4002) than the value assigned to 20 mA (function VALUE 20 mA (4003)).
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description OUTPUTS E CURRENT OUTPUT 1 EAA CONFIGURATION 400 WERT 0_4 mA Parametrierbeispiel A: (4003) 1. VALUE 0_4 mA (4002) = not equal to zero flow (e.g. -5 m ...
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Function group OPERATION Functional description TOTALIZER TOTALIZER OPERATION VALUE 20 mA Use this function to assign the 20 mA current a value. The value can be greater or less (4003) than the value assigned to 0/4 mA, (function VALUE 0_4 mA (4002)).
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description TOTALIZER TOTALIZER OPERATION MEASURING MODE Use this function to define the measuring mode for the current output. (4004) Options: STANDARD SYMMETRY The current output signal is proportional to the measured variable. The flow...
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description TOTALIZER TOTALIZER OPERATION MEASURING MODE How the current output responds under the following postulated conditions: (4004) 1. Defined measuring range ( – have the same sign I [mA]...
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description TOTALIZER TOTALIZER OPERATION Detailed explanations and 2. Defined measuring range ( – have the same sign information I [mA] A0001272 3. Flow a (—) outside, b (- -) within the measuring range.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description TOTALIZER TOTALIZER OPERATION FAILSAFE MODE For safety reasons it is advisable to ensure that the current output assumes a predefined (4006) state in the event of a fault. The setting you select here affects only the current output.
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.7.2 Function group Operation Functional description OUTPUTS CURRENT OUTPUT 1 EAA CONFIGURATION 400 VALUE SIMULATION Note! CURRENT The function is not visible unless the function SIMULATION CURRENT (4041) is (4042) active (= ON).
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.7.3 Function Group SITE MANAGER Functional description BLOCK OUTPUTS DATA LOGGER SITE MANAGER ACTUAL SITE Use this function to display the name of the "site" currently being used by the (4990) instrument (the site stored in the Prosonic Flow 93T‘s internal memory).
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description BLOCK OUTPUTS DATA LOGGER SITE MANAGER SAVE/LOAD/DELETE ? Use this function to save a site to the USB stick, load a site from the USB stick or delete (4993) a site from the USB stick.
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description OUTPUTS DATA LOGGER CONFIGURATION DELETE LOG FILES Use this function to clear the entire contents of the USB stick. (4904) Options Security options Factory setting LOG DELIMETER Use this function to set the delimiter and separator characters to be used in the data (4905) record.
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.8 Block INPUTS 11.8.1 Group CURRENT INPUT Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description INPUTS CURRENT INPUT CONFIGURATION ASSIGN Use this function to assign a process variable to the current input. (5200) Options...
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Function group OPERATION Functional description INPUTS CURRENT INPUT OPERATION ACTUAL CURRENT INPUT Use this function to display the actual value of the input current. (5240) User interface 0.0 to 25 mA SIMULATION CURRENT Use this function to activate simulation of the current input.
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.9 Block BASIC FUNCTIONS 11.9.1 Group PROCESS PARAMETER Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description BASIC FUNCTION PROCESS PARAMETER CONFIGURATION ASSIGN LOW FLOW CUT Use this function to assign the switch point for low flow cut off rate suppression.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description BASIC FUNCTION PROCESS PARAMETER CONFIGURATION PRESSURE SHOCK The closure of a valve can cause brief but severe movements of the fluid in the piping SUPPRESSION system, movements which the measuring system registers. The pulses totaled in this (6404) way result in a totalizer reading error, particularly in the case of batching processes.
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Function group ADJUSTMENT Functional description BASIC FUNCTION PROCESS PARAMETER ADJUSTMENT ZERO POINT ADJUSTMENT Use this function to start zero point adjustment. (6480) Note! For information on how to perform a zero point adjustment, see ä 44.
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Note! • To measure the sound velocity, you require the ultrasonic sensors "DDU20" which you can order as an accessory from Endress+Hauser. • A reference value is used as a basis for measuring the sound velocity. This reference value can be edited (see REFERENCE VALUE function, 6523).
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YES by means of the O or S key. Note! To measure the wall thickness, you require the ultrasonic sensors "DDU20" which you can order as an accessory from Endress+Hauser. User input Fixed-point number 0.1 to 100.0 mm Factory setting 3.2 mm...
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description BASIC FUNCTION PROCESS PARAMETER PIPE DATA LINER MATERIAL This function displays the liner material of the pipe determined via the value entered in (6528) the function PIPE STANDARD (6520). If you edit the predetermined value the pipe standard will be reset to the option OTHERS and the function NOMINAL DIAMETER (6521) does not appear.
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Note! To measure the sound velocity, you require the ultrasonic sensors "DDU18" which you can order as an accessory from Endress+Hauser. Transmitter search range: The measuring device searches for the measuring signal within a defined sound velocity range. You specify the search range in the SOUND VELOCITY NEGATIVE (6545) and SOUND VELOCITY POSITIVE (6546) functions.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description BASIC FUNCTIONS PROCESS PARAMETER LIQUID DATA VISCOSITY This function displays the viscosity of the liquid. This is determined via the values (6543) entered in the LIQUID (6540) and TEMPERATURE (6541) functions.
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.9.2 Group SYSTEM PARAMETER Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description BASIC FUNCTION SYSTEM PARAMETER CONFIGURATION INSTALLATION DIRECTION Use this function to reverse the sign of the flow quantity, if necessary. SENSOR Options...
Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions 11.9.3 Group SENSOR DATA Function group SENSOR PARAMETER Functional description BASIC FUNCTION SENSOR DATA SENSOR PARAMETER MEASUREMENT (6880) Use this function to select the measuring method or the type of mounting.
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Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description BASIC FUNCTION SENSOR DATA SENSOR PARAMETER SENSOR CONFIGURATION Use this function to select the configuration for the ultrasonic sensors, e.g. the number (6882) of traverses (in the Clamp On version).
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Function group CALIBRATION DATA Functional description BASIC FUNCTIONS SENSOR DATA CALIBRATION DATA P-FACTOR This function displays the p-factor. (6890) The p-factor indicates the influence of the velocity distribution of the flow profile inside the pipe;...
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable 11.10 Block SUPERVISION 11.10.1 Group SYSTEM Function group CONFIGURATION Functional description SUPERVISION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ASSIGN SYSTEM ERROR Use this function to view all system errors and the associated error categories (fault (8000) message or notice message).
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Functional description SUPERVISION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ACKNOWLEDGE FAULT Use this function to define the measuring device's response to fault messages. (8004) Options The measuring device resumes normal operation when the fault is rectified. The fault message disappears automatically.
Description of Device Functions Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Functional description SUPERVISION SYSTEM OPERATION SIMULATION MEASURAND Note! (8043) This function is available in the SYSTEM group. Use this function to set all inputs, outputs and totalizers to their defined flow-response modes, in order to check whether they respond correctly.
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Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Description of Device Functions Function group AMPLIFIER Functional description SUPERVISION VERSION INFO AMPLIFIER SOFTWARE REVISION Use this function to view the software revision number of the amplifier. NUMBER AMPLIFIER (8222) LANGUAGE GROUP Use this function to view the language group.
Factory settings Proline Prosonic Flow 93T Portable Factory settings 12.1 SI units (not for USA and Canada) 12.1.1 Units of length and temperature Unit Temperature ° C Length 12.1.2 Language Country Language Country Language Australia English Norway Norsk Belgium English...
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Erklärung zur Kontamination und Reinigung Please reference the Return Authorization Number (RA#), obtained from Endress+Hauser, on all paperwork and mark the RA# clearly on the outside of the box. If this procedure is not followed, it may result in the refusal of the package at our facility.
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