1.0. Introduction The ACR39U-U1 hails the new and modern technology in the world of smart card readers. It is a compact and stylish smart card reader that brings together sophisticated technology with modern design to meet rigorous requirements in various smart card based applications.
3.0. Supported Card Types 3.1. MCU Cards ACR39U-U1 operates with MCU cards following either the T=0 or T=1 protocol. It also works with SIPRNET, and CAC cards, ideal for US PIV and PKI applications. 3.2. Memory-based Smart Cards ACR39U-U1 works with several memory-based smart cards such as: •...
Smart Card Read/Write Speed..9.6 Kbps – 600 Kbps Card Connector ......Contact Built-In Peripheral LED ..........Green Application Programming Interface PC-Linked Mode ......PC/SC ............CT-API (through wrapper on top of PC/SC) Page 7 of 8 ACR39U-U1 – Technical Specifications info@acs.com.hk www.acs.com.hk Version 1.03...
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Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Page 8 of 8 ACR39U-U1 – Technical Specifications info@acs.com.hk www.acs.com.hk...
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