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Honeywell Dasher Owner's Manual page 18

Electric foldable bicycle


Pre-ride Safety Check
It is recommended to perform a safety check of your electric bike before each ride.
• Make sure tires are properly inflated. Use a reliable tire gauge to check the tire pressure, if the pressure is too low, inflate
your tires until you reached the recommended pressure as shown on the tire sidewall. Inspect the outer surface of the tires.
Make sure there no excessive wear in the tread, cuts or cracks on the tread or sidewall, exposed threads or wires, or bulges.
• Make sure all wheel spokes are tight and are free from any damage.
• Ensure the brakes work properly. Spin the wheels to check for rubbing and then apply the brakes to ensure they stop the
bike smoothly and evenly. Check the brake pads for excessive wear.
• Inspect your bike chain to make sure it runs smoothly. If there's any rust or if it squeaks when you turn the crank, be sure to
lubricate it.
• Adjust handlebars and seat so they are tight and at a comfortable height.
• Make sure the battery is locked and secured in the frame and charged before use.
• Check the cables and housing to make sure there is no fraying or splitting. Ensure headlight, throttle and display screen are
properly working.
• Check for any loose parts or other mechanical problems.



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